Categories: Parenting

New Year’s Games for Teens

New Years can be a time for fun and laughter. But it can also be a dangerous time. Many parties contain alcohol. If you are a parent of a teenager, these are the kinds of parties you are hoping your child is avoiding. But realistically you know it is hard. So here is a suggestion. Why not throw you own New Years Eve party for your teenager and he/she can invite all of his/her friends?

It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. You just have to use your imagination and remember to have a lot of snacks on hand. Teenagers love to eat.

But eating alone will not keep them entertained. Here are a few suggestions for some New Years Eve Games you may set up for the teenagers to play.


Go through old magazines at the library or your collection. Cut out or copy interesting articles that took place locally or nationally during the past year. For example, cut out a picture of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes dressed in their wedding outfits. Show the picture and ask which month did this happen? Whoever has the most right answers, wins!


Have each guess write down 3 to 5 resolutions on separate pieces of paper. Put the pieces of paper in a hat. Draw each resolution out one by one. Each person writes down who they think wrote each resolution. The one with the most correct guesses wins.


Break the guests into teams. Then take a word that has to do with New Years Eve. Each team tries to make up more words from that word. Give them a time limit of 5 minutes or so. The team with the most words wins.


Before the party, write out statements about each guest. For example: This person got all A’s in Biology last semester. Give a copy of the list to each guest. Allow them to mingle with each other for a set period of time, so they can gather answers. Whoever has the most correct answered questions at the end of the time wins.


This game is fun because you can make sure everyone wins at least once. Every ten minutes or so call out a random question like: Who is the youngest? Who is sitting by the host? Who is the tallest? The answer to the question is the winner. That person gets a small prize. All you have to do is make sure you ask the right questions so everyone wins at least one prize.


Everyone must wear a pair of gloves. Then they have to unwrap a box, which is a box, wrapped in a box, wrapped in a box, etc. The person who unwraps the last box first to unveil the hidden prize wins the prize.


Tools needed: A computer and a digital camera. Objective: Each guest is alone with the photograph and must make his/her funniest face. After all guests have a turn, the pictures are downloaded onto the computer screen. The winner is the picture that gets the most laughter.

The above games may be a little cheesy. But it will keep the teenagers busy for a while and they will be safe to enjoy the New Year.

Karla News

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