Categories: SPORTS

NBA Player Missing ACL’s in Both Knees

Dejuan Blair of the San Antonio Spurs is a 6’8″ center with no ACL’s (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in either knee. Yes, you read it right, that was not a typo. Both of Dejuan Blair’s ACL’s are gone. Coming out of college, Dejuan Blair was expected to be a first-round pick until the doctors checked him over and discovered he did not have an ACL in either leg. Dejuan Blair injured his ACL’s in high school. The doctors tried to repair the damage, but they ended up deteriorating throughout the years.

How does a Basketball Player play without ACL’s in both legs? Well, the theory is that since his ACL’s deteriorated over time, his muscles were able to slowly adapt to the changes and compensate for the deteriorating ACL. Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers is also missing an ACL in is left knee, which he also did not find out until he left college for the pros.

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