Categories: Alternative Medicine

Natural Remedies for Sore Feet

When the feet hurt, the body hurts all over. This old saying is a reality for many people. When the feet hurt it is difficult to concentrate let alone walk, and the problem can be as frustrating as it is painful. Those with sore feet often go through pairs of shoes, hoping to find just the right ones that will stop the pain, but changing footwear does not always solve the problem. Natural remedies for sore feet can be very helpful in relieving pain, and the following information on Flex-Tastic products will help you decide if natural remedies that exercise the toes are a good option.

I recently purchased Flex-Tastic products to help relieve my sore feet. I prefer natural remedies over surgery or medication whenever possible, and they looked promising. They are light blue in color, and they are made of a sturdy flexible foam-like material. Included was a booklet of exercises and natural remedies, and the set was approximately $10.00. I thought this was a small price to pay if the Flex-Tastic products for sore feet really work. The joints of my toes are sore now and then, and this natural way to stop the pain seemed like an affordable and easy alternative to going to a podiatrist.

Wearing Natural Remedies for Sore Feet

When I first tried on the Flex-Tastic products for sore feet, they were a little uncomfortable, and then I realized I was wearing them upside down. The wavy side should face up, and the slightly curved side should be under the base of the toes. When worn correctly these natural remedies were still a little uncomfortable, but that was because I was not used to wearing them. The instructions say to begin wearing them for just a few minutes the first day and gradually increase the minutes until they can be worn comfortably for ten minutes.

In the beginning, I wore the Flex-Tastic products for about five minutes, but after I became accustomed to the feeling, I was able to wear them for longer periods of time. Now I wear these natural remedies for sore feet about three times a day, and I am very pleased with the results.

Flex-Tastic Product Claims

The instruction booklet says that the secret to healthier feet is Flex-Tastic. In addition, it says that Flex-Tastic massages and relieves sore feet. It also says they re-align and straighten problem toes, and they restore circulation and flexibility. The booklet also says to consult a physician before beginning any exercise program, especially those with poor circulation and/or diabetes. The Flex-Tastic products can be worn when performing daily activities around the house, but they should never be worn inside of shoes.

Do These Natural Remedies for Sore Feet Really Work?

After becoming used to the feeling of these natural remedies for sore feet, I noticed upon taking them off that my toes felt considerably better. I believe they really do work to massage and relieve sore feet. I do not wear them as often as I should, and this lends more credence to the effectiveness of these natural remedies. I have not worn them each day, but my toes still feel better than they did before using Flex-Tastic.

If you have sore feet and do not have diabetes or poor circulation, I highly recommend trying Flex-Tastic or any other product that spreads and straightens the toes in the same manner. They really do work as claimed, and my toes feel almost as good as they did before they ever began hurting.


Karla News

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