Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISTP

The Myers-Briggs personality type ISTP is nick named “The Mechanic” because their sensing, thinking, and perceiving mind gives them a need to understand how things function. Perhaps because they feel so capable of understanding how everything works, coupled with the fact that they are an introverted Myers-Briggs type, an ISTP is a wild child. They are dare devils and do not allow protocol, or sometime even laws, to impede their thirst for adrenalin and conquest. As an example, think about Bender from the movie “The Breakfast Club”; interested in shop class, tinkering with the screws in doors in order to play pranks, and easily motivated to jump around the school’s library dangerously, Bender is constantly breaking the rules in order to live life the best way he sees fit. This ISTP Myers-Briggs personality type is truly a free spirit.

Although a frequent flouter of “The Man’s” rules, an ISTP still cares for justice and fairness. In place of traditional rules, they will adapt their own honor system which in some cases may appear (to some) more chivalrous or fair than that associated with the establishment. For example, these types of people may consume psychedelics as a “protest against the war on drugs”, though that is not to say an ISTP is likely to be a drug addict. Though this Myers-Briggs personality type is more likely to experiment with drugs, they will have done their homework before hand in order to minimize risk and will probably not experiment with drugs which are addicting, such as heroin or amphetamines, however rash thinking may make such a situation more likely.

Though they may never personally consider some of the lifestyle choices others may adapt, an ISTP will still feel as though everyone has the right, so long as they are not harming anyone else, to do whatever it is that they want to do. Therefore, this Myers-Briggs personality type identifies with the general desire to do what is in someone’s heart, regardless of what that thing specifically may be. Accordingly, an ISTP is incredibly open minded.

Though they are risk seekers, attracted to things such as sky diving and rock climbing, an ISTP will only attempt such feats because they understand that while such actions offer a thrill their probability of real danger is low. This Myers-Briggs personality type trusts their ability to handle and adapt to challenging, hand-on, situations.

Because of this, an ISTP wants to stay practical. At all costs, this personality type does not wish for their emotions to impede their logical thinking or for their fears to interfere with attempting seemingly risky behavior (which is a possible reason why they may isolate themselves from others). Therefore, it is very important an ISTP personality type does not bottle away their emotions and resultantly become so frustrated that they overlook the details they usually so meticulous handle and act too rashly—this could result in serious danger or even death. Because of this, it is likely an ISTP personality type will go out with a bang, possibly overestimating their ability to ride a tremendously large wave in a thunderstorm or running away to live in the woods without informing anyone, similar to the Christopher McCandless from “Into the Wild”.

Into the Wild. Dir. Sean Penn. 2007.

“Portrait of an ISTP.” The Personality Page. Web. 15 Jan. 2011.

The Breakfast Club. Dir. John Hughes. 1985.

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