Move Over George Foreman, Hulk Hogan Knows Grills Best

Yes, it’s true. Hulkamania has returned to the airwaves, but this time it’s in the form of an indoor counter top grill. Former wrestling star and current reality show star Hulk Hogan has jumped into the grilling world with his own indoor grill. George Forman used to have a monopoly in the genre of former athletes marketing indoor counter top grills. That is no longer the case though as Hulk Hogan will be selling his own version of the indoor grill on QVC with an appearance as well on QVC on Thursday July 26th according to a QVC press release.

George Forman was the first celebrity to start the recent run on the market of the counter top indoor grills. His original George Forman grill was very basic and had a grease trap but no removable plates. Later versions included a larger model, and one that would warm your hamburger buns while you grilled your food. Then came one of the most popular changes which is evident in Hogan’s grill as well. This was the removable plates. The ability to remove the plates made it much easier to clean the counter top indoor grills. Once removable plates were created more companies entered the arena, and resulted in even more customization. The next step in the customization of these indoor grills was plates to use on the grill for specific purposes. Some of these include griddle plates and waffle plates which allow the indoor grill become an all-in-one utility reducing the need for waffle makers or griddles in the same kitchen with an indoor grill.

Hogan’s grill is very similar to some other popular models on the market these days, as it features removable plates as well to make clean up simple. The base grill includes three plates, with two of them used for grilling and one flat plate to be used as a skillet. To mark his premier of QVC though, his ultimate grill will come with five grill plates and be featured as QVC’s “Today’s Special Value”. The grill will come with it’s standard two grilling plates but will also feature two waffle plates and a griddle plate as well.

Hogan’s popularity was at its highest in the middle 1980’s through the early 90’s as he was what was then the WWF’s biggest star. He preached values to children of the day, and wrestled numerous bad guys using his “24 inch pythons” such as the Iron Sheik as he preached for kids to eat their vitamins every day. Towards the end of his career Hogan made numerous returns to the WWF which is now the WWE, sometimes as a “heel” or bad guy. He returned to television on a regular basis four years ago with his “Hogan Knows Best” reality show on cable television. Hogan’s grill can be purchased online at QVC’s website, or over the phone while watching the product’s debut on the show.

Sources: “Hulk Hogan Steps Into The Ring at QVC”

Karla News

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