Making Money: Second Income Opportunities

Today’s economy is tough and if you’re like me, you know that you will need a 2nd income to survive. There are so many 2nd income opportunities out there and the ones to look at will depend on your day to day plan, skill level, talents and motivation. I am taking advantage of a 2nd income opportunity right now by writing this article for you to read. There are so many other prospects to choose from. Start taking advantage right now.

1. Writing

-There are so many sites that you can go to, to write articles. Associated Content, eHow, Suite 101 and Xomba are a few of those websites. You can get paid for the number of page views that you receive. Or in the case of Xomba, you can get paid through your Adsense account. If you choose Xomba, use the following link

– You can also go to book review sites. If your passion is to read books, why not give us your opinion by writing a review. You can go to such sites as Review Party, The Chattahoochee Review, and The Women’s Review of Books.

2. Dog Walking

– Truly it’s a chore for me to walk my dog, yet it must be done. I would pay someone to walk my dog for me. I know there are other individuals who would also pay to have their dogs walked. This is a great second income opportunity.

3. Rent a Room Out of Your House

– There are college students who will pay you to have a room. The cost of on-campus housing is high. You can rent a room at a reasonable rate and earn some extra income. Place your ad on one of the college boards. Make sure you check your policy to see if this is permitted. Also, check for safety.

4. Sell your clothing

-This is a good idea, even for me. I still have my 15 year old wedding dress hanging in the closet. I have 2 bridesmaid’s outfits collecting dust. I’ve been told by friends that you can sell your clothes through a consignment shop. Call your local consignment shop and see what they are looking for. You can also ask if they will accept old toys or books.

5. Teach someone one of your talents

– Are you great at sewing? Can you play the piano? Can you tutor kids? You have so many talents………………..why not use them and make money doing it. I did this and earned great income. You can too. Look at your talents and try to sell it. You will be amazed. I have friends who want to learn how to make jewelry, want to learn woodworking, wish to learn how to sew, etc. They will pay to have someone to teach them.

These are a few ways to earn some extra money. Try one and comment on how you did.

Karla News

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