Make Money Playing Blackjack & Counting Cards

I have been counting cards while playing blackjack for several decades with success. I cannot divulge exactly where I play blackjack, as I don’t want to get kicked out of the casino. If you play your cards right anyone can make money playing blackjack & counting cards.

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It all began when I was in High School in the late 1970s and early 80s. Having read “The Last Mafioso” about mafia figure Jimmy Fratianno, I was intrigued about the excitement of Las Vegas. One weekend I snuck off to the airport and headed for the Neon City. I did not realize that this would lead to a lifetime love of playing blackjack and card counting.

The weather in Vegas was great when I arrived. I took a cab to the old downtown area. It had cheaper hotels than on the strip. I only had a few hundred dollars. I was just a sucker waiting to be milked of my meager holdings.

I nervously pulled up to a table at Binions Casino, and bet a few dollars on the first hand. No one asked my age nor did they seem to care. Guys in nice suits with thick moustaches watched the tables and seemed more concerned as to whether I had a card up my sleeve, than they were that I was only sixteen.

I won and it felt great. I increased my chips to a pile of $400 and began to bet more. I had a knack for this. Then I lost a few hands. Then I lost a few more hands. As the story goes, I lost all my money but had a great time doing it. If I had been playing blackjack and counting cards as well, maybe I would have made some money. I did not yet know about card counting.

My plane did not leave for a while. I had just enough cab fare to return to the airport. I decided to split my trip into two parts. I had the first cab take me to Caesar’s Palace. It was an awesome place with its fountains, skywalk and blue lights.

I sat down near the sports book in the shadow of a giant TV. Some young guy sat down near me. We exchanged small talk and I told him I lost all money and was just waiting for my plane. He bought me a soda. After a while, he said he would share a secret with me to help me out.

This guy tells me that he is playing blackjack and counting cards. He tells me that he actually can make money. Now he had my attention. He told me that when I got back, I should buy a book written by some guy named Stanford Wong. I figured any guy with the first name of Stanford, writing a book about betting, must be pretty darn smart.

So I bought the book. I still can’t quote passages from Shakespeare, and I did flunk geometry, but I can quote Stanford Wong word for word. Stanford can make you money. I have no idea if his book is still around or not, but it would be worth reading.

After reading Stanford’s book about playing blackjack and counting cards, I practiced for several months before again sneaking off to Las Vegas.

Here’s basically how blackjack and counting cards works. In the game of blackjack, any time there are more high cards in the deck, than lower cards, the player has an advantage over the casino. By counting cards you can determine when the player advantage exists.

The basics of playing blackjack and card counting are rooted in the counting. A simple method would include the following steps.

1. Begin counting after the deck is shuffled.

2. For any card 2-6 add one. If there were a 3 and a 5, the count would be +2.

3. The cards 7-9 are neutral. Do not count them.

4. For Aces, Face Cards and Tens, subtract one. If you had an Ace, a Ten, and a King the count would be -3.

5. Count every player’s cards as they are dealt or turned over.

6. When the count gets positive, for example ­­+10, then you have an advantage.

7. Increase your bets when you have an advantage.

8. If the count is low or negative minimize your bets.

There are a whole lot of other tricks to use in blackjack. I have had a lot of interesting experiences playing blackjack and counting cards in Las Vegas, on cruise ships and Indian casinos.

I will be revealing other tips, like best way not to get caught, best places to play and others. It will available on Associated Content. Check back periodically at the link below.


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Professional Blackjack by Stanford Wong

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