Categories: Beauty

Magazine Nail Art: A Great Do-It-Yourself Craft

If you really love to receive compliments on your innovative fashion statements, then you are definitely going to want to try out DIY magazine nail art. This personalized fashion statement is not hard to achieve and easy to make your own.

The first thing that you will need to do to achieve DIY nail art is gather up a couple old magazines that you won’t mind cutting up. You will want to choose magazines that will have graphics and words that you like. Cosmo is probably going to be more useful for this DIY fashion project than Better Homes and Gardens.

Once you have gathered up some old magazines and a pair of scissors, you will begin to look through the magazines for words and graphics that are small enough to fit on your nails. To be safe you will want to clip about 15 words and graphics, incase some of your clippings are too big or get ruined while trying to place them on your nail. DIY magazine nail art is all about finding things that fit into your personality in magazines and then placing them on your nails.

Once you have found all of the magazine clippings that you want, the next step in preparing for DIY magazine nail art is to gather the tools you will need to make this fashion project a success. You will need to gather the colored nail polish that you want to use as your background color, a clear top coat, tweezer (ones that will lock shut are recommended), a toothpick, nail clippers, and a nail file in order to be properly prepare for DIY magazine nail art.

To prepare you nails for DIY magazine nail art you are going to need to prep them just like you would any time that you are planning to paint them. This means that you need to trim them to your desired length, file rough edges and any bumps on the top of your nails. If you may also want to quickly wipe the tops of your nails with nailpolish remover to remove any left over nail polish from the last time that you did your nails in order to properly prepare them for DIY magazine nail art.

Once your nails are all prepped for DIY magazine nail art, it is time to really get into this fashion project.

You will want to begin by applying two coats of the background color polish that you have chosen. It is important to allow the first coat of polish to dry completely before applying the second coat. Just like any other time you paint your nails, DIY magazine nail art requires patience. If you dry to rush the process then you will end up with a messy result.

Right after painting on the second coat of color you are going to want to apply a clipping to each nail before the second coat of color completely dries. The easiest way to be successful in this step of DIY magazine nail art is to use tweezers to pick up the small clipping and place it on your nail. Once you have placed the DIY magazine nail art clipping on your nail you will want to gently push the clipping down with a toothpick to make sure that it is securely set in the second coat of color. This is when you are going to want to make sure that you get as many air bubbles out from underneath the clipping as possible.

Once the magazine clippings are all in place and the second coat of color is completely dry it is time to apply two clear coats. Just like the coats of color, it is extremely important to allow the first coat of clear polish to dry completely before applying the second coat to achieve great DIY magazine nail art. You are going to want to make sure that you brush the very edges of your nails (the part that you file) with clear coat as well, this will help to prevent chipping more successfully.

Once the second coat of clear polish has dried you have successfully achieved DIY magazine nail art.

Karla News

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