Categories: Prose

Love Poem – Poem for a Broken Heart

First of all, I apologize for the awkward reference in the subtitle to pirates and love.
Secondly, here’s a poem I wrote for broken hearts everywhere. Lets heal that wound in your heart that you swore would never be fixed. This is a love poem that is sure to cheer you up.

Chin up, my friend.
For there are greater things
to be down about.
And many more
to be up about.
Love isn’t easy,
so forget the past
and love yourself.

It’s as easy
as tying your shoes.
One lace over the other,
walk into a new day.
A day when you are happy
for yourself.
A day when you are good enough,
and you don’t need anyone
to tell you what to be
or how to live.

Dry your tears,
because love
is all around you
just open your eyes
and you will see
what it means
to be loved;
To be in love.

I’m here to tell you
that you aren’t alone
and that your heart
is not
Breath in the air around you
absorb the happiness,
from the sponge of life.

Fill the holes with the
the duct tape,
that you will find in
your garage.
Mend your heart
with stitches
and find a new lover
before regret
sews your veins together.
Your life is not over.
Live for tomorrow.

Karla News

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