Lighting Up an Old Flame with the Law of Attraction

Breaking up is hard to do. We all know this. Sometimes it’s a fairly easy breakup, but the moments afterward are lonely and hard. Sometimes it’s a terrible ordeal, and although relief is there, the overwhelming sensation is one of loss, more often than not. I cannot tell you how many nights I’ve laid awake and wondered why I ended my last relationship, but I’m in a better place now – we both are. Still, those nights are part of the motions. Instinctively, many of us in those moments bargain with the universe to get him or her back. Enter the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction has only three steps, and one is not your responsibility. Asking for him or her back in your life, happy, healthy, and madly in love all over again, completes the first. The Universe answers your request in step two. The third step of receiving is the hardest part. Here is where so many of us fail, or worse – succeed, but for the wrong reasons. The problem with using the Secret to attract people, is that it’s like building a piece of furniture from IKEA without instructions. You may get what you want in the end, but you wouldn’t dare put anything valuable in it – it’s simply not strong enough. The biggest obstacle in your path is you.

If you were ever dumped, regardless of what he or she may have said to you in the ‘closing argument’ of that last conversation, it was your fault. There was something about you that didn’t fit with that person. The good news is, you can pick yourself up and start building a better you right now. She fell in love with you for one reason or another once upon a time, and you still possess those qualities. Charisma, confidence, passion – these are qualities and vibrations that attract people to you. You have to genuinely get back to those characteristics before anything you want, including the one you lost, can come back.

The caution I must advise is to be fully aware of what emotions are making you ask for a second chance. Actions are motivated by only two basic emotions: Love or Fear. The most difficult move to make, when trying to attract an ex back, is switching from FEAR to LOVE. Often, when we’re in that ‘grace period’ after a breakup, we decide we want him or her back. Unfortunately, we’re guided by fear. We’re afraid we’ll never find another person to love us that way again. We’re afraid nobody will ever fill the void that’s left in us. We just want so badly to be ‘whole’ again. Without fully accepting that fear, we start assembling that armoire from the proverbial IKEA. Piece by piece, things start fitting together – barely. When all is said and done, you’re left with all your efforts poured into something that will never support a rekindled love. Even if he or she does come back, nothing has changed. It’s like bringing back a ghost – a hollow version of your former love. The relationship crumbles…again.

Once you truly accept and own that fear, you can let it go. Genuine love for yourself, and the courage to embrace your own strengths as well as weaknesses, is what puts you into the right gear to move forward. It’s all a game of self-reflection. If you consciously decide that you want him back because you love him, and feel you are deserving of love, then set that out into the universe. Your happiness, confidence, and renewed faith in yourself will bring your desires to you. You’re not motivated by fear this time around. You’re motivated by love. Feeling love will attract more love to you. That’s the LOA credo.

Have you ever run into an ex and, although the breakup was justified, or the relationship fell apart, he or she looks great? You never thought you would consider taking this person back, but as you start talking, you can’t help but feel attracted again. Maybe you learn that she’s in a ‘good place’, or that he’s really ‘got his life together’. What once was just an old flame, is now one you’d like to cook with again. You’re attracted again because they stopped being an obstacle in their own lives. That confidence and love they have for themselves, without being conceited, is what draws you in.

The Law of Attraction can be so instrumental in bringing you what your heart most desires. Learn to play this instrument. Play it for love. Play it for money. Play it for success. If you play it to get lost love returned to you, make sure you play for the right reasons. With your heart and your head in the right place, not even lack of instructions will keep you from building your dreams.


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