Categories: Parenting

Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads Have More Cons Than Pros

When I became pregnant with my twins, I knew that I was going to breastfeed them. I was warned by many people that my breasts would leak and suggested that I get some nursing pads before I found myself with wet bras in a compromising position.

When my mom, sister and I went to a big baby expo held by Babies R Us, I spent a lot of time at the Lansinoh booth. After all, my best friend raved about several of their products. Lo and behold, there were all sorts of samples – including the Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads. Plus, there was a coupon for $1 of a box, so I purchased them to hold on until I needed them.

I never leaked before my twins were delivered. After I delivered them, the nurses in the NICU recommended that I start pumping immediately. So, I got the hospital pump and started. My milk didn’t come out well at all, but the material of my bra hurt like heck. So, I broke out the pads and affixed them into my bra.

I immediately found the pads very rough and uncomfortable. They aren’t the new Lansinoh Ultra Soft Nursing Pads, which promise to be quite soft. These pads are the originals. They are even more rough than a pantyliner or sanitary napkin, which is both surprising and disappointing. My sensitive nipples went into pain overdrive when rubbing against the rough material.

To counter that, the size and shape is perfect for a breast or nipple of any size. While the pads are one size fits all, they fit perfectly into the bra cup, whether a 44DD or a 32A. Of course, the fit would be a bit different, but there wouldn’t be any leakage.

The material, while rough, is quite absorbent. There are several layers and a “thirsty” center to absorb any milk let-downs the expectant or new mother may have. I haven’t had any embarrassing moments where I have leaked through clothes. Plus, the thin top layer locks moisture in so that your breasts and bra stay dry.

Unfortunately, the pad does tend to shift around. There is a tiny adhesive strip on the back of the pad which doesn’t do much of anything to keep it in place. They shift, wrinkle and fold constantly. I’m shocked that I haven’t had them shift so far out of position that I leak through my bra.

Another asset of these pads is that each pad is individually wrapped. You can just grab as many as you need for the day and toss them in your purse or diaper bag, and you are good to go.

For $5.79 per box of 36 pads, it doesn’t seem like a lot of money. However, if you are anything like me, you will use at least 4 per day, giving you a supply of 9 days. That’s almost $20 for a month’s supply of these pads. That can add up to a lot of money, especially if you have a problem with leakage and go through more than 4 pads per day.

As I sit in the hospital cafeteria, awaiting 8pm so that I can return to the NICU, I am very aware of these breast pads. Fortunately, no one can see them through my shirt, although I wouldn’t risk wearing anything form-fitting with them. Some cool air is coming in through the window I am sitting next to, and I am painfully aware that my nipples are FREEZING because I leaked at some point, and now the wetness is getting cold. But, hey, I’m cold without being wet. (A little hypernipple-itis never killed anyone before.) I guess the twins will have some chilled milk for their 8pm feeding.

Overall, I simply cannot recommend the Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads to anyone. I asked my mom to pick me up some more breast pads, and requested that she not get Lansinoh. They were a real disappointment.


Karla News

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