Categories: Parenting

Is Santa Real? the Truth Revealed!

Is Santa real? This is a tough question for parents and adults when a child asks. Most adults my age remember who told them that Santa is not real, and and they remember exactly when that happened. But were those naysayers wrong? I asked my fellow content producers at Associated Content and AC staff members one simple question, the question that you all are asking today, “Is Santa real?”

At least three experts have stated that since NORAD tracks Santa, he must be real. One also noted that he Twitters, which further adds to the evidence that Santa Claus is real.

Is Santa Real? The Truth Revealed!

The answers are as diverse as the experts, and range from humorous and funny or warm to political and religious. Each answer is sincere, and I appreciate each answer.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: AC_MikeC: You betcha! Otherwise I may need to think twice about the strange man coming through my chimney.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Member of AC News Team: Yes, he already brought me a bottle of gin. Who else is going to do that? Certainly not the Easter Bunny.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Jason Curran: Of course, I have never understood the grinches that want think otherwise. Every year he eats my cookies and gives my family a reason to celebrate. Thanks to NASA you can even track where he is:

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Karen Barnes: Sure, Santa is real. He may not appear in the form that we all know him by, but he’s real.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Carl Benjamin: Yes Virginia, there is a Santa. He is in the heart of each human being.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Charlie Bradley: Santa Claus is indeed real. Santa is a spiritual figure which brings gifts to people during Christmas. In the modern sense, Santa has transcended his religious origins and has become a symbol of Christmas for Children and for Kids at heart 🙂

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Amy Brantley: Most definitely. He lives in the heart of every good soul, especially those that keep the spirit all year long. Merry Christmas!!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Elizabeth Brown: Santa is not one dude in a red suit who flies around–Santa is the spirit of giving that grabs hold of you this time of year when you see JUST THE RIGHT GIFT for someone you love!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Emohrman: Oh, he’s real. Not exactly the jolly altruistic nice guy people make him out to be, though. Would you believe he tried to take my cookies? He’s just lucky he moves a lot faster than it looks like he can. For the ugly truth behind the legend, be sure to check out my blog at

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Steven Bryan: I think Santa is very real, but somewhere along the way from childhood to adulthood, we start to have faith only in the things that we can see, touch or buy.

Last week, I was sitting in McDonald’s when a co-worker came in with his son. We were talking about Christmas and how stressful it can be and he pointed to his little boy and said “All he has to do is wake up on Christmas Morning.

I think, as adults, we secretly want to just wake up on Christmas to our loved ones and gifts, just like that little boy, but we don’t give ourselves the chance to believe. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is the opportunity to believe in that guy wearing the red suit.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Christine Bude: Yes, Santa is real…He lives in everyone with a spirit of giving who spreads the Christmas message!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Captdallas2: Santa is real and lives in the Florida Keys during the off season. Just ask any kid under ten that has seen me this past few weeks.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Sylvia Cochran: Santa Claus is not a real person and never was; however, the character upon which he is based – St. Nicholas — was very real indeed and also a person who liked to secretly leave gifts for others.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Sharon Cohen: Thank you for asking Pam. It has been a long time since anyone asked for my opinion on this topic. Maybe it is expected that I set aside childish things at my age but, to me and to mine, the love of Santa Claus is not childish. We recognize Santa Clause as the epitome of selflessness, service and charity.

If you read my article “Remember, Remember This Christmas” you will understand where we developed our adoration and love of Santa Claus. When my children were young and we were very, very poor it became obvious that Santa could not give equally to all children. I was faced early on with my children’s dismay over the abundant gifts of their neighbor compared to their own. I explained to my children that Santa Claus does not earn money but is funded by the parents of the children that he serves. He is sometimes funded by the generosity of others but not always.

My daughters naturally and eagerly grew into their personal responsibility for subsidizing Santa Claus. Now, I watch them find great pleasure in sharing that tradition with their own children. I cannot wait for Santa Claus to come to our home tonight. We are two “old” folks but I know that, with faith, our stockings will be filled and unexpected gifts will appear beneath our tree. Happy Christmas!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Crutnacker: If Santa wasn’t real, would I, upon seeing that Norad was tracking Santa moving into Lexington Kentucky (even though it wasn’t yet Midnight), race to put his daughter to bed? ANd then, when Maddie started crying because Santa was going to skip over our house because she wasn’t asleep, do you think I would have made a call to Santa’s workshop and had a long conversation with Clementine the Elf in Maddie’s presence?

Of course Santa is real. If he wasn’t real, Mommies and Daddies would have pretty lame Christmases, don’t you think?

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Gary Davis: As a conservative Bible student you would guess perhaps that I eschew Santa Claus. No Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Santa delegates some of his work to us. And, Santa has long made it a practice to measure “good and bad” all year long–not just Christmas. Of all my yearly friends, you know the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Pilgrims etc, Santa has always had a special place in my heart.

When I was a little boy I would sit in my room and invite Santa to sit in one chair and Jesus in another. I’m nearly 60 and the three of us still get together. Santa? He’ll be working for as long as mankind needs him.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Ryan Christopher DeVault: Of course Santa is real! He lies in the hearts and minds of everyone that enjoys the holiday season. He represents the love and innocence that we all feel during this time of year, and serves as a great reminder of all the joy in the world.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Robert Dougherty: Santa is real- otherwise Google and NORAD wouldn’t be violating his privacy by tracking him every Christmas. You’d think the ACLU would be doing something about it, though I guess the C doesn’t quite stand for Claus.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: eiffelvu: My answer is yes, he’s real to those who believe that fantasy in life is needed to laugh and who relish the joy in children who believe in Santa and, who live by his message of good will to all…:) Hope your Christmas is a merry one and hope Santa is good to you this year.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Kassidy Emmerson: Santa is real, but only if you believe. Who couldn’t believe in the magic of Christmas? And if you don’t believe in Santa, don’t whine when you find nothing but a lump of coal under the tree for you! Ha. Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Carol Bengle Gilbert: Of course, Santa is real. Didn’t the Miracle on 34th St. prove it?

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Gregorianchant: Yes, because reality is inherent goodness and generosity in time of strife. Fabrication is the impression everything is going awry and that people aren’t generous. Of course, we’re talking in the figurative sense through the ‘Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus’ vein. And then there’s the more cynical answer in the world of politics that says: ‘Yes, Santa, There IS a Virginia…” 😉

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Michael Grisso: The best answer I ever heard was from my son this year. He is 9 (almost 10) and for all of you who have children of this age know, others around school tend to ruin the innocent appeal. He recently asked me the same question and I replied, “Do you think Santa is real?” This is what he said:

Well, I don’t believe there is a real Santa that climbs down chimneys, rides on a sleigh with reindeer, or has elves working for him in the North Pole. I know you write “Santa” on the gifts because you want me to believe there is a Santa.

I believe in the spirit of Christmas though. Everyone should believe in the spirit of Christmas and if they do then Santa Claus is real.”

On my own personal standpoint I couldn’t have said it any better. Sure there are religious people who celebrate Christmas for its true meaning, and others who just like to give thanks to those around them. No matter what reason you celebrate Christmas there will always be Santas sitting in the malls, fantasy movies around the topic at hand, and children who still believe. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Michelle M. Guilbeau-Sheppard:

Yes, of course Santa is real! The more you you believe, the more you receive!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Carly Hart: I do believe that Santa is real. Much like the “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…” newspaper story of so long ago, I do believe in that Santa represents all of the good in this world.

Santa Claus traces his roots back to St. Nicholas of Myrna, a kind soul who later became well known for his generosity in giving gifts to the needy. To me, Santa isn’t really a jolly old obese gentlemen in a red and white suit. Santa is really a state of mind — a reminder to all to do as Jesus instructed… to love one another, to care for the sick, the widowed, the poor.

So yes, Santa is real… he’s real every year when we anonymously donate toys to needs families. He’s real when we stop by to visit and cheer up a friend who will be without her husband this Christmas because he is deployed in service of our country. Yes, Santa is real because he fills our hearts with joy and goodwill toward others every Christmas season.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Kelly Herdrich: Santa Claus is absolutely real. At 29 years old, I still believe in him, and so do my two children (4 and 2). I hope they always will. Merry Christmas!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Jcorn: Yes, Pam, Santa is as real as love and believing in miracles. Since I believe in both, I believe that Santa is real (but I think of Santa as the spirit of love, care and compassion and our ability to share that with others). That is my take 🙂 and I always watch for that sled in the sky every year 😉

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: jpsixbear: Yes, Pam, there is a Santa Claus, he is alive and well, living in the hearts of good and kind people everywhere!. Merry Christmas Everyone! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Sabah Karimi: Of course Santa’s real. He’s been reporting his status on Twitter ( all holiday season.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Tina Molly Lang: Santa Claus is not a literal figure in the way we think of. However, St. Nicholas is a real historical figure who lived in 3rd and 4th century AD and had a reputation for secret gift-giving. He was the inspiration for today’s Santa Claus

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: CJ Mathis: Of course Santa is real. He is the spirit of the season, the man in the red suit, the feeling of love and warmth on Christmas Eve and Morning. He is as real as my ability to make you smile, laugh, cry, and be happy. Santa is a spirit being that travels the entire world on this one evening a year spreading joy and happiness, that is who Santa really is.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Stephanie Michael: He is real in my heart =D

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Jody Morse: Santa is real, as long as you believe in him. But you better watch out. Once you stop, he knows!

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: thebarefoot: Of course Santa is real. I see him ringing bells all over town. What is even more real is Nicholas of Myra who inspired the legend. Yes, Virgina, Santa Claus punched me in the face: The Historical St. Nick: Santa Claus Punched Me in the Face.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Saul Relative: Santa is real. He is as real as a person wants him to be. Santa is kindness and charity, the personification of unencumbered giving. He is magic and mystery and hope to children, no matter what age. He is what the human race aspires to — the embodiment of goodness and the realization of wishful thinking. He exists as sure as the parent that sacrifices for the child, the child that instinctively gives for no reason other than the act itself, the friend who presents to another without asking for reciprocity. Santa is as real as we let him be, bestowing kindnesses here and there from the North Pole of each charitable and caring heart.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Timothy Sexton: Well, Dick Cheney still claims to believe that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and Sarah Palin believes that a country’s proximity to one makes that person qualified enough to be an expert on foreign policy, so I don’t see how I could possibly not believe that Santa Claus exists. At least, I would less embarrassed to admit I believe Santa exists than to admit I believe in the things that Dick and Sarah believe in.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Michael Segers: I say no, but I learned long ago not to argue about politics, religion, or Santa Claus.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Christie Silvers: Of course Santa is real! I see the joy he brings when the faces of my girls light up at the very mention of Santa. He must be real since I can easily threaten a misbehaving child with a phone call to Santa. Santa’s cookies are always eaten and the carrots for his reindeer are always gone.

The joy and excitement that Santa brings into the lives of children is enough to say that yes, Santa is real and always will be in my home.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Harold Sink: Are you kidding me?! Have you not noticed my pointy ears? I may be too old to get gifts from him, but I am old enough to help him design and make them.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year because I am a Christian. I know what it really is about, and could sing the songs all year long.

Christmas is for children, and should be a reminder to all of us what God did for us.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A:Rich Thomas: If NORAD tracks him ( then he is 100% for real. I will be looking for him in the skies of Lisbon, Portugal tonight.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A:Momie Tullottes: What he does for each family who is fortunate enough to celebrate him may be different, but he is alive. Santa is there in the happy faces of the children as they compose their letters. He is there when they leave out his cookies and milk that they have made or gathered with pride and giving hearts. He is even there as they wake up excited on Christmas morning to find the treasures he has laid out. Is Santa real? Most definitely.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: Mark Whittington: Of course Santa is real, in the same sense that peace, good win toward men, and that general warm feeling that the tree, the turkey, and the presents give one.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: L.L. Woodard: While I was never able to catch the fluffy guy in the red suit coming down my chimney, there were always gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. As an adult, I have encountered kindnesses that were given unconditionally and unselfishly, and I see and know people who give what they can to those who are in need. So yes, not only is Santa real, but the spirit of Christmas–the original spirit of Christmas–lives on, and thankfully, not only in December.

Q: Is Santa Real?

A: 3lilangels: Well, I like to believe Santa is real. When I was younger I asked my parents if Santa was actually real and they told me if you believe Santa is real then by all means he is. Then one morning I woke up and went outside to check to see if there was any evidence of Santa around, and there I saw reindeer footprints on top of my roof and about a size 11 shoe print, so the question to me was if that wasn’t Santa then who the heck was on top of my house so late at night?

So ever since then each year I would believe Santa was real so I would always get the gifts I asked for. If you believe then you will receive was my quote I use to think in my head.

Then I asked my parents how come some of the Christmas gifts were already under my tree? They replied they had to go to Menlo Park Mall to pick up our gifts from Santa. So I said, “Why?” and they told me, “Well Santa’s elves were running behind so they had to drop off our gifts in a hurry”

So now my 3lilangels ask me, “Mommy is Santa real? I tell them, “Yes, he is real and he watching your every step, don’t ever doubt Santa is not real then you will not receive.”

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Please show your appreciation to these hard-working writers by visiting their pages, if you haven’t already. They will keep you informed and entertained in 2009 and beyond.

Thank you to everyone who took a few moments to answer this important question.

Note: if your response didn’t make it in time or you would like to be included, I can always add it. Thanks!


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