Categories: SPORTS

Is Mark Reynolds the Right Fit for Yankees at Third? Fan Opinion

First, the news broke of New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez needing surgery and potentially missing the first two months of the 2013 season. Then came word of backup third baseman Eric Chavez’s signing with the Arizona Diamondbacks, answering the question that I had regarding whether or not the Yankees would re-sign Chavez to play third in A-Rod’s absence. That answer is now a resounding no.

Missed out on Chavez

I would have liked to have seen Chavez get another chance. The left-handed hitter filled in very well during A-Rod’s absence in 2012, especially against right-handed pitching, and had a very solid season overall. Chavez hit .281 with 16 home runs and 37 RBI in 278 official at-bats. Those numbers are not blistering, but they are far more than acceptable for mainly a backup player.

Will they sign Mark Reynolds?

It appears now that the Yankees will pursue free agent Mark Reynolds, formerly of the Baltimore Orioles, to start the season at third base.’s Bryan Hoch reports that general manager Brian Cashman met with Reynolds on December 5 and that Reynolds likes the potential opportunity. Reynolds hit a paltry .221 for the Orioles in 2012. He did hit 23 home runs and drive in 69 runs in 135 games, but he also struck out 159 times, giving him a strikeout average is .348. This rate is 157% higher than his batting average.

Is Reynolds the answer?

Is this really the move that the Cashman wants to make? Do the Yankees need a free swinger who has already led both leagues in strikeouts – four times total — in just six years? Considering the heat that A-Rod (and the entire offense) is still getting for his lack of production in the 2012 postseason, I do not see Reynolds as a good fit. Although fans would marvel at the tape measure home runs that Reynolds can hit, they and the harsh New York media would have a field day with his strikeout totals.

Free agent field weak at third base

Obviously, anyone new would be a temporary fill until Rodriguez returns, and I would not want Cashman to trade away prospects for a temporary replacement. However, the free agent field at third base is weak. Chavez was the top free agent third baseman until he signed with Arizona. The next most productive is Kevin Youkilis, who hit .235 with 19 HR and 60 RBI for the Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox in 2012. If the Yankees want to bring in a free agent, then they should go after Youkilis. If not, then they may have to trade prospects for an established third baseman.

A-Rod will return to have a decent season, but he will never again put up superstar numbers. The Yankees need a solid third baseman in the meantime. I do not like Mark Reynolds as the favorite, but there is not much available. I just hope that if Reynolds signs, he will make more contact, reduce the strikeouts, and provide the run production that the Yankees need.


Baseball Reference, Eric Chavez and Mark Reynolds Player Pages,

Bryan Hoch, Yanks Lose Chavez but Consider Reynolds for Third,, December 5, 2012.

CBS, 2013 MLB Free Agents, as of December 5, 2012.

Raymond was born in Connecticut into a family spilt between the Red Sox and Yankees. Although he grew up in Florida, Raymond became a Yankees fan. He played baseball through high school and soon after became a varsity coach. Raymond previously produced radio sports talk shows and hosted a weekly MLB radio call-in show. Follow Raymond on Twitter @RayBureau

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