Is Diet Soda Worse Than Regular Soda?

Diet soda is something some that many of us have grown accustomed to drinking, whether it is because we drank it when we were kids or we because we have just acquired a taste for it. In recent times, soda companies have been manufacturing diet soda with “flavors,” in order to make the whole idea of diet soda seem more attractive. Whether you absolutely love diet soda with lemon, vanilla or even strawberry flavorings, there is no doubt that the flavor of diet soda can be very appealing. However, there are so many people out there who drink diet soda because they believe that it is so much healthier for them than regular soda is. Some people drink Coke Zero or Pepsi One, believing that they will not gain a pound because of the lack of calories. However, recently, rumor has it that diet soda is not healthy as everyone thought it was at one point. You might be wondering how this can be true. Here, we will take a closer look at some of the reasons why diet soda is just not as good for you as you might think it is.

Why Diet Soda Is Not As Healthy As You May Think

1. You might notice that you get bloated if you decide to drink diet soda. The main reason is because the carbonation that can be found in diet soda leads to fluid retention. This could be the reason that you might begin to notice a little bit of a “pouch” if you are drinking a lot of diet soda lately. Although you might think that you will lose a whole lot of weight through drinking diet soda, the truth is that you could end up feeling as though you are losing less weight with regular soda because of the amount of water weight that you could end up gaining from diet soda.

2. One of the main reasons that you night be drinking this is because it is low in sugar. However, did you ever wonder if it was low in anything else? Just because diet soda is low in sugar does not mean that it isn’t loaded in other things. In fact, diet soda has an extremely high sodium content. One of your main questions might be if sugar or sodium intake is worse. The answer is that you can really flip a coin or take your pick. Both are not healthy when they are drank excessively.

3. Diet soda contains Aspartame, which is highly unhealthy for your body- in more ways than one. If you did not already know, ten percent of Aspartame consists of methanol, also known as wood alcohol, which is an extremely deadly poison. Eventually, once you have consumed it, methanol will turn into formic acid and formaldehyde while it is in your body. Both of these things are, of course, poisonous to the body. What’s worse is that Aspartame has been known to vision complications among humans, as well as seizures and brain tumors among animals. Overall, it is definitely safe to say that Aspartame is not something that you would want to consume if you were able to choose not to.

4. You might find yourself wanting to snack a whole lot more, which could defeat the purpose of incorporating diet soda into your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Nutrasweet, which is often found in different types of diet sodas, is known to cause excessive hunger or thirst. Another reason that you will probably find yourself feeling thirsty after you have drank diet soda is because it contains so much sodium, which is known to cause constant thirst.

What You Should Consider When Drinking Diet Soda

It is important to remember that it is one thing to drink diet soda because you genuinely enjoy the taste, but it is another thing to drink it solely because you feel that you will lose weight from drinking it. The truth is that you will not lose weight any quicker drinking diet soda than you would drinking regular soda. The only way to really lose the pounds that you are looking to lose is to eliminate all types of soda or other drinks that may be high in sugar or sodium from your diet. If you are going to be drinking diet soda, one of the most important things that you should keep in mind is that it should only be consumed in moderation – much like any other type of food or drink. Although it may be harmful to people who drink it daily, if you only drink it every once in awhile, you will probably experience minimal side effects if you limit your diet soda intake.

Karla News

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