Categories: Beauty

Instructions on Using a Tanning Bed for the First Time

If you are like so many of the people out there who dread that first visit to the ever popular tanning bed salon, you probably have all kinds of questions that you are embarrassed to ask anyone about. This article will strive to not only answer those intimate questions, but it will also inform you on proper tanning bed etiquette. Also, you will hopefully take away a few tips that will keep you from suffering through that “first-timer burn” that most of us had to sport for a week or so after our first visits.

Right now, you are probably thinking to yourself, “now do I wear a bathing suit while I’m in the tanning bed or….. what?” Honestly, most people go completely nude. That’s right, you will be getting into a bed that just had the sweat from another person’s backside on it just a few minutes earlier. But take heart. All tanning facilities are required, of course, to completely sanitize and wipe down your bed before you enter. Most will also keep fresh towels and sanitizer in the room, as well, in case you are like most of us out there and would prefer to do another wipe down on your own. Although it is pretty safe to guess that the bed was already cleaned, this simply provides an added element of security. So go ahead….take it all off and jump right in there. Just make sure the door’s locked!

Now, while most tanning salons have professionals that will tell you how many minutes you need to start off at if you were to ask them, be prepared to expect them to generally assume that you are a seasoned pro at this. You will need to make it very clear that you are new and need instructions on how to operate the beds. Not all beds operate in the same way, and most will have radios and fans built into them that you will not know how to take advantage of without proper help. Make sure that you make it known that this is your first visit. Otherwise, you will run the risk of not taking the full advantage of what is being offered. Just so you are aware, for you own safety’s sake, those with lighter skin tones (and those who tend to burn easily) should start off at about five minutes during the first week of sessions.

In order to maximize your tanning visits, you must use a tanning lotion. This does not mean that you should bring a lotion from home. Most facilities will prohibit this, as there is a great deal of difference between an “indoor” and an “outdoor” lotion (outdoor lotions can damage tanning beds, and you will be liable for any expenses incurred). Make sure to request a “bronzer” for your first several sessions, and start by purchasing a sample, not an entire bottle. Tanning lotion bottles can run up to $100 or higher (though many are around $30.00) and you will want to make sure that you are comfortable with your choice. Samples run anywhere from $1.00 to about $3.50 and will usually contain enough lotion to last through two visits. If all else fails, simply ask your tanning professional for anything that doesn’t tingle, burn, or turn your skin red upon application. She’ll get the point.

Keep in mind that you must use proper tanning salon etiquette in order to receive the best service. It is always best to schedule an appointment for your first visit, and to continue to do so until you are aware as to whether or not this is absolutely necessary. You can count on having to wait in line for quite a while for an open bed if you simply “walk in” during busy times, which usually occur at lunch time and after hours (especially between 6:00 and 8:00 pm). Therefore, it is best to simply schedule an appointment or avoid coming at these hours. Also, upon leaving your tanning bed room, remember to keep it orderly. It is always nice to lay any towels that were used in a neat stack, and remember to throw away any garbage. Other tanners will also appreciate it if you keep the built in fans on for a minute or two after you are done in order to cool down the bed. However, you must make sure to turn these off before leaving. Finally, remember to leave the room in a timely fashion. You will usually be put on a five minute timer after your bed has been turned off, but some salons will give you even less time to get dressed and get out so that other clients can have a turn.

This article covers the most basic and widespread questions that many people have before making that first visit. This should cut down on a great deal of your nervousness. However, it is imperative to keep in mind the risks of operating and using a tanning bed, so always ask a professional if you have any additional questions along the way.

Karla News

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