Categories: Parenting

Improve Your Child’s Behavior with Token Rewards

Positive reinforcement is a great way to improve a child’s behavior. Praise and recognition for a job well done, use of good manners, or completing chores is an important part of teaching your child the correct way to behave. Another great positive reinforcement method is the use of tokens and rewards. Tokens are rewarded when a positive behavior is done. When enough tokens are earned, they can be traded in for a prize or reward.

There are several steps to take in order to create a quality token and reward system for positive behavior reinforcement.

Step One: Token Choice

The first step in implementing a token and reward system is choosing a token to use. Many parents use gold star or other stickers on a paper chart. This method works well if you will not be removing tokens for negative behavior.

Other parents use tangible things like buttons, small colorful stones or glass baubles, beads, or even coins. Each child should have a different token so that they will not be tempted to steal from a sibling’s token jar or box.

Step Two: Behavior or Chore Chart

Creating a chart or list of good behaviors is very important. Each one should be listed with the amount of tokens that the child will be rewarded if they complete that behavior. That way, children fully know what is expected of them, and what they will earn from their good behavior. It will serve as a reminder to them as well.

Step Three: Rewards List

Like the behavior or chore chart, there should also be a rewards list so that the children can see what they can trade their tokens for. The rewards can be anything that your children will like: a special toy, an outing, and their favorite meal. The children should be involved with choosing what they can get with their tokens. This will increase the likelihood that they will want to earn them through positive behavior.

Step Four: Using the Token System

Once the decision is made to use the token system to encourage good behavior, it must be used constantly. Whenever a good behavior from the list is done, the child must be rewarded with the appropriate number of tokens. If a parent is indecisive about using the token system, the children will follow suit.

Step Five: What to Do About Bad Behavior

You can use the token and reward system to punish bad behavior as well. If you chose to do this, another chart should be made with bad behaviors and the amount of tokens that they cost. For example, saying a naughty word might lose the child one token. Hitting their sibling with a toy might lose them ten tokens.

Again, in order for the token system to work, these rules must be followed consistently. Children will learn that there are consequences for their actions.

Using a token and reward system is a great way to reinforce and encourage positive behavior in your children. Children learn several things from the token system. First, they learn that every one of their actions has a consequence. Second, they learn that positive behavior will be rewarded. Third, the learn patience and the simple economy of saving up tokens in order to get the reward.

You can improve your child’s behavior quickly with a token and reward system. Soon, your children will be eager to behave in a positive way, and your home will be much more peaceful as a result.


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