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Hunt’s Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding

Among my favorite dessert and snack items are Hunt’s Snack Pack Puddings. On a regular basis, I purchase and eat many different flavors of these convenient pudding cups. A couple of weeks ago, I purchased a four – pack of Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding, without realizing that I was purchasing a fat free item. I just saw the word Tapioca and an illustration of a spoonful of the pudding on the label and somehow missed the words Fat Free, even though those words are printed larger than all of the other words.

When I opened the package and saw that the pudding was fat free, I was initially skeptical as to how it would taste. My skepticism was short – lived, however. As soon as I tasted the pudding, I was just as pleased with its flavor, as any of the other Snack Pack Puddings I have eaten. In fact, I am so impressed with the flavor, texture and overall high quality of this fat free item, that I have decided to write a product review of it. Presented here, as a service to the consumer at large, is one food writer’s product review of Hunt’s Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding.

The standard – sized package of Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding contains four individual pudding cups. Each pudding cup is considered a serving, although I could easily eat at least two of the pudding cups as a serving. The net weight of the four pack of Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding is 14 ounces.

One thing that I have noticed with Hunt’s Snack Pack Puddings is that their retail price fluctuates greatly, from one food retailer to the next. For example, the regular retail price for one four pack of this pudding at many Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $1.69. At several Hartford area pharmacies and smaller food retailers, the price is closer to $2 for one four – pack and at a local Wal Mart store, where I can find the largest selection of flavors, the price of one four – pack is usually approximately $1.

Consistency / Texture
To me, the consistency of Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding is that of a top – rate, excellent pudding. The puddng is silky smooth, so smooth that it even looks appetizing. Free of lumps, this pudding almost melts on the tongue and offers a very pleasing mouth – feel. Of course, being tapioca pudding, the little beads of tapioca are present, but not obtrusively.

Nutritional Facts
Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding contains 80 calories, with 0 calories from fat, per one pudding cup (99 grams) serving. This product also contains 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 0 grams total fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 160 mg of sodium, 18 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 13 grams of sugars and 1 gram of protein, per one pudding cup serving.

Taste / Flavor
The flavor of Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding is actually very good. It tastes like tapioca pudding, not a facsimilie of the treat. If this pudding was served to me in a bowl and I was not told it was fat – free, I never would have guessed that it was such a product. I really enjoyed eating Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding and I will buy it again, if I see it at Wal Mart again. My only comment is that I think the pudding could possibly use just a pinch more sweetener. Overall though, the flavor of this pudding is very pleasant and tasty.

Interestingly, it seems as though many pharmacies and smaller retailers only stock vanilla and chocolate – flavored Snack Pack Puddings. At most large supermarkets, you’ll usually find at least two or three different flavors of Snack Pack Pudding. If your favorite grocery store does not stock and sell Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding, perhaps you could ask the manager if they could do so.

Overall Rating
Snack Pack Fat Free Tapioca Pudding is a delicious, fat – free product that, to me, does not lack in flavor, like many other fat – free products. Sold in convenient four – packs, this very reasonably – priced item is highly recommended by this food writer.

Karla News

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