Categories: Beauty

How to Wear a Mini Skirt with Style

Mini skirts can be fun, fashionable and flirty but if you wear them the wrong way you might give people the wrong impression about you. Wearing a mini skirt with grace and style requires some consideration. This article will explain how to wear a short skirt with class.

First of all, you need to consider you body shape. In order to look good in a mini skirt, you must have the right style mini for your body shape. Stand in front of a full length mirror either nude or dressed in spandex to adequately evaluate your shape. Determine if you are straight, apple, pear or hourglass shaped. For apple shaped women, flared mini skirts are very flattering. Pear shaped women should opt for longer, A-line, mini skirts that are no more then three inches above the knee. For the hourglass shape, tailored mini skirts are the way to go. Slim, straight figures are best flattered in mini skirts that feature a pattern.

After you have found the right style of short skirt to best flatter your body, you need to consider what to wear with the skirt. Unless you are wearing dark, opaque tights with your mini, it is best to avoid tops that reveal your midriff or show to much cleavage. When much of your legs are already on display, showing to much on top can look trashy and give others the wrong idea about you. Conservative tops, such as a nice blouse or dressy sweater is usually a better option with a short skirt.

You also need the right shoes. Extremely high heels should be avoided as this again, might give the wrong idea. Sandals are a good choice as are flats. If you desire the height of heels, wedge sandals are also a good way to go. If you are wearing the skirt to a nightclub, shorter, one to two inch heels would be appropriate and look sexy without sacrificing class.

When you sit in a mini skirt, do not cross your legs as doing so will put you at risk of exposing to much in this short of a skirt. Instead, sit with your knees together and feet flat on the floor. Also if you need to reach something below you or pick something up off the ground or floor while wearing a short skirt, do not bend from the waist. Instead, bend from the knees while keeping your legs together. This way you will not show off your panties in the process.

Getting in and out of a vehicle can be tricky while wearing a mini skirt. To get into a vehicle, first sit down sideways in the vehicle so that your legs are outside of the vehicle with your feet on the ground and your knees together. Then carefully swing your legs around, into the car, keeping your knees together the entire time. To get out of the vehicle, repeat this same process in reverse.

Follow these tips to wear your mini skirts with confidence and class. Remember, wearing a mini skirt is sure to always make a statement. Just be sure that the statement you are making is the one you want to make!

Karla News

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