How to Treat Bloodshot Eyes

Bloodshot eyes are a sure sign of too much drinking or general carousing or maybe indulging in drugs or burning the candle at both ends or any number of other activities that lend credence to all those calls for moderation in all things. Actually, the reason that your eyes get all bloodshot and bleary and sickly is because very small blood vessels on the surface of the eye get inflamed and then become congested with the blood. In almost all cases eyes become bloodshot because there is a deficiency of oxygen to the corneas. Contrary to popular belief and what I just wrote, most cases of bloodshot eyes are the result of simple eyestrain rather than partying like you are a football player for FSU who has just had Bobby Bowden come in and cover up your arrest record the night before the Fiesta Bowl.

Which is not to say that the voluminous consumption of alcohol associated with legacies at Yale recovering from a hangover while their paid proxies take their final exams does not result in bloodshot eyes. Anyone who has ever woken up the day after high school graduation can tell you that alcohol consumption has a definite result of giving one bloodshot eyes. People who regularly get bloodshot eyes without knocking back a drink or eight should consider consulting a doctor because frequency could be a sign of a blood clot or hypertension.

You may also be the victim of bloodshot eyes if you are not getting enough of certain vitamins. For instance, Jerry Lewis’ favorite vitamin Ribo-FLAVIN. A deficiency of riboflavin can cause bloodshot eyes. As can a deficiency of vitamin B6. There are also a handful of amino acids that the body needs a healthy supply of to avoid the unhealthy appearance of bloody eyeballs. Histidine, lysine, and phenylalanine. The good news is that if your bloodshot eyes are the result of these deficiencies all you need to do is get them into your body and the problems goes away. The best thing to do is to make sure you take a multi-vitamin and then supplement with a Vitamin B complex that also contains a free-form amino acid complex. A dosage of 100mg of each of the primary B vitamins three times a day ought to do the trick. You see, if you fulfill or exceed your recommended daily allowance of vitamins then you can probably avoid bloodshot eyes as long as you aren’t going out and getting drunk. But hey, you’re smart enough to realize that every time you get drunk you’re taking off six months of your life, right?

If you are not the kind of who enjoys popping vitamin, but you do enjoy drinking down a little raspberry tea, then you are in for a treat. Well, not really. But a very good way to get rid of bloodshot eyes after they have already appeared, for whatever reason, is to brew up some raspberry tea. Let it cool beyond a simmer and then soak a cloth in the tea to make a compress. The really good news is that you can keep your lids closed while the compress is across your eyes.

Karla News

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