Categories: Education

How to Teach Children Basic Math

How to Teach Children Basic Math
By LilyMany of our young children today are struggle with mathematics in grade school. Math seems to be too hard for these children and they can’t seem to get how to work basic numbers properly in order to solve math problems and equations. Other children think the math they are being taught is boring and pointless. This may be because the teacher in the classroom is not teaching math in a fun learning informative way and is most likely sticking to the old chock board methods of teaching math. This however will automatically stop the children from wanting to learn basic math skills such as, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and simple fractions.

What you need to know as a parent is, math doesn’t just have to be taught in school. It can be taught right in your own home. You as the parent you can make basic math fun for your child at any age. How you ask? You can teach you children adding and subtracting by using snacks they like to eat. That’s right! Use something they loving eating to teach them basic math such as, Gold Fish Crackers, M&M;’s, Mini Cookies, and whatever else they may enjoy eating. However you do want to make sure the snacks are in small bite sizes to make bigger math problems easier to do.

Now when you are ready for your child to get their homework assignment out you can take out their favorite little snacks and place them on the table they are working at. This will help you teach them math and will help them learn it math easily and in a fun way. If their math problem asks them to add 4+9= blank, all you have to do is put 4 pieces of their favorite snack on one side of the table, 9 pieces on the other side, and then have your child add their favorite snack bites up to get the answer to the math problem. You can use this technique for subtraction as well. All you would do for a subtracting math problem like 9-4=blank s to place 9 bits of the food down on the table and have them take 4 away and then they will have the answer. It’s that simple and you will see math can be made fun for your children.

Another great math technique I like to use when teaching basic measurement math is by baking and cooking! It is a fun technique used to help your child learn basic fractions. This might even keep your child’s interest in the subject and want to keep learning harder math fractions and measurements. Now to teach your child fractions and measurements all you have to do is start by choosing your child’s favorite baking or cooking recipe. It does not have to be a big recipe it could be a small recipe such as, making a pie or jello. Once you have child has chosen the recipe or recipes you should help pull out all the measuring cups and ingredients they will need to begin making the recipe they have chosen to make. You as a parent should then go over all the basic measurements on each measuring cup such as, 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 3/4 and 1 cup. Let your child be aware the numbers and lines on the measuring cup are fractions and measurements they will need to use to make the recipe. Then you as the parent should read the recipe out loud to your child so they can begin measuring out each ingredient. By having your child measure out each of the ingredients to the recipe it allows them to be hands on and having an active mind on what they are trying to learn and do with the recipe. Remember to always help your child when they ask for help on the recipe or when they are unsure of what to do next. By the time you’re done doing this fun little math assignment with your child you will have a yummy treat to eat with them and you would have taught them basic math measurements and fractions.

There are so many ways of teaching your young ones basic math. Be a parent! Get teaching when your child’s teacher is not teaching them properly and take charge of what your child is learning and how. The more fun you make any subject for your child the more they will remember and enjoy what they are being taught.

Karla News

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