Categories: Opinion and Editorial

How to Sell EBooks on Ebay

So how do people make money of these e-books and so forth? It seems that they sell really well, but how the heck can you make money selling someone else’s ideas? These are the questions that will be answered within this article.

Personally I dislike buying e-books because most of the time the ones I can afford are pretty much the same over used information. That is precisely why I won’t spend the money on the more expensive e-books. How is to say they are really that much different than the ones you pay little for?

Granted some e-books appear to sell well for some people but it there are resell rights there goes the profit margin. It’s the same if everyone were selling apples, the market would have to many apples and the public would only but the lowest price apples. Soon everyone is buying from the cheapest seller and he is actually losing money because he is selling them at a loss. Not a good way to stay in businesses, but it’s a great way to build your feedback. To tell you the truth I am not here to increase my feedback I am here to bring a bit of extra money into my house. I am a single parent trying to raise two teenagers and my adult daughter and her 3yr old live with us. I need all the money I can get and not just good feedback.

How can you make money selling other people’s e-books? I see a few ways you can earn money from that and I will share those ideas.

1. You can add to their e-books, if you know how to edit an e-book. You’d need to be computer savvy to do this, unless they are text files.

2. You could also go ahead and grab a few cheap different but related e-books and combine them into one book.

Me I’d rather grab cheap e-books and expand on them and resell them at a larger profit. I also create my own txt files of my own ideas and sell them. I sell them for 99 cents. I know why would someone sell their ideas for 99 cents, I know you’re asking. After eBay’s and pay pal cuts I am making about 33 cents a txt file. I know it doesn’t seem much why sell an idea for 33 cents? That’s the beauty of txt files (or any files) once they are created and saved to your computer you can sell them over and over again. Imagine getting that 33 cents a few hundred times. Now your idea that you took the time to type up has paid off with some real cash.

It’s unique stuff that really sells out here. Most people on eBay are in it for selling quick and fast things. They want turn around sales that generate profits over and over. Any kind of txt files can and will do this if created correctly. Then they need to be listed correctly, so go ahead and read my own title “why the 99 cent auctions are better than the penny auctions.

It’s been said that everyone has at least one novel or e-book in them. I don’t have enough time to write a novel thought I have tried a few times, I lack the time. That’s why these txt files are a smart move for me. If you have the software to create e-books you can go that way but if you don’t have the software the txt files sell, my eBay account is proof of that.

Karla News

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