Categories: Decorating & Design

How to Redecorate Your Bathroom for Under $100

Have you ever looked around your bathroom and thought to yourself “I wish I could do something nice to this room”? I know I have. Unfortunately being a stay at home mom does not afford me the luxury of having a lot of disposable income to redecorate my bathroom. So I had to find a cheap way to redecorate. Here are the ways that I used to redecorated my bathroom for under $100.

First you must decide what kind of theme you want for your bathroom. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different themes that you could choose from. Just think of a few things that you like and it won’t be long before you come up with the perfect theme. I used a seashell theme for my bathroom so I will use that as my examples throughout this article.

Once you have decided on your bathroom theme, you will want to think about colors. Just head on over to your local paint store and pick up some paint cards with colors that interest you. I’ve always liked to get several cards of the same color so that I can tape them up all around the room. Doing this gives me a better idea of what the colors will REALLY look like throughout the day. Some colors just do not look the same in the daylight as they do during the night. Definitely make sure that you like the colors you chose during all the hours of the day. There’s nothing worse than painting a whole room and then deciding a few hours later that you actually hate the color.

When you finally find the color that you love, start checking around for good deals on paint. Some stores put their paints on sale often. Some stores also have cheap prices on paints that were premixed and then not purchased. Just check around before you buy so that you will get the best paint price available. I actually used some paint that I had left over from another project. I needed a little more, so I took the paint code off the can and had the paint store mix up another gallon to match. I ended up spending around $8.00 on paint.

Next start looking for things to decorate the bathroom. Don’t just stick to retail stores. I like to scout yard sales, our local dollar stores and, of course, Ebay. For my bathroom, I knew I wanted seashell and ocean items. So when I was searching I knew the types of items to look for. During a normal trip to our local Wal-Mart, I found a fantastic matching group of bathroom items that had seashells on everything. I bought a new shower curtain ($12), a matching rug ($10), a matching toothbrush holder ($7) and a matching waste basket ($10). A few days later I found the most perfect set of three framed prints on Ebay for only $5. Then later I also found a matching light switch cover and outlet cover set on Ebay for $4. I also had a lovely glass jar set that I had purchased from a dollar store for only $1 about two years earlier.

About the time I decided to redecorate the bathroom, we had taken a vacation to the ocean. So we brought back a baggy full of dry sand along with lots of seashells that my daughters had collected for me. These items were used in the glass jars to make some unique bathroom decor pieces. My daughters still enjoy knowing that they helped me redecorate my bathroom by finding all the beautiful seashells.

The last thing to do is to put everything you’ve found all together. You can do this all at once or just do a little at a time. I painted my bathroom one week and then slowly added my bathroom decor as I found items that I liked. It took a few weeks to complete the bathroom redecoration by doing it this way, but it was well worth the wait.

In closing, it does not have to cost a small fortune to redecorate your bathroom. I only spent $67.00 and I’ll probably throw in a few candles later since I have money left over. All you need is an idea, a little creativity and some free time to create a bathroom that you will love.

Karla News

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