How to Perform a House Blessing Ceremony

Before going through a spiritual cleansing, you may want to start with a physical cleansing. Go through your clutter. Chances are it is a physical impediment to getting things done and it may even block your thoughts and desires from coming to fruition. Get help if you need it to go through your belongings. Don’t rely on renting storage space or buying a shed and then moving items in there because chances are that you’ll forget the items are there (and if that’s the case, do you really need them?).

Blessing a House

In Candlemas (Llewellyn Publications, 2001), Amber K and Azrael Arryn K give a house cleansing and blessing ceremony that involves a group of people. The following blessing of a house ceremony is adapted from their ceremony.

If you live with other people, you will want to get their approval of the ceremony and then get them involved. Invite friends and family to join you in this process – the more energy involved, the stronger the spiritual cleansing and blessing will be. If you live alone and feel uncomfortable asking others to participate in this process, you can also do a house blessing on your own.

You will want some noisemakers, such as bells, gongs, hand drums, rattles, etc. Also gather spring water (bottled is okay), salt, sage incense or smudge sticks, and rosemary oil. You will also want two piece of rose quartz for each door to the outside.

House Blessing

Start in the room where you see yourself and your family spending the most time. Hum or chant, using the sound vibrations to cleanse negative energy from the house. An easy chant is to say the vowels, a, e, i, o, and u, drawing out the sound on a single breath.

Start at the front door and move counterclockwise through the house while banging, ringing, and clanging the noisemakers. Moving widdershins or counterclockwise is the direction of banishment. You can also shout, “Illness be gone,” “Dark times leave,” or another appropriate banishing command.

Go through the house again. Some people can smudge the windows, vents, and doors. Others can sprinkle them with salt water.

Walk through the house a third time, but this time clockwise (deosil or sunwise) to bring positive energy into the home. Participants may call out wishes and blessings for the home and its inhabitants. People can anoint windows and doors with the rosemary oil.

Set or adhere a piece of rose quartz to each side of every door to the outside, which will allow only loving energy into the house.

Return to the room where you started. Those who will be dwelling in the house can speak some final words of blessing with wishes for all things positive to come into and remain within the house.

End this house blessing ceremony with a party to add to the positive energy that has been created during the ceremony. Keep in mind that the spiritual cleansing will be supported by the thoughts and actions that fill the home each day.

Karla News

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