How to Manage Running Your Own Business, Kids and a Household!

If you are a stay at home parent and you have been considering starting your own business following are a few ideas and suggestions for you to give some thought too. What some don’t realize is that starting a business from scratch takes a lot of hard work, and determination. You can also not have your expectations too high. Many feel that they have failed simply because they have not made any profit during the first few days they are open for business. In most cases you should expect at least a few months to pass before you make any real profit for your business. The key however is not just getting your business started. You also have to find the time to manage it and work with it. This of course is in addition to taking care of your children and the rest of your household.

The first thing that you will need to do is establish a schedule, and make sure that you stick with it. Most stay at home parents use the time when their children or napping or when they are sleep at night to put the work into their business. Obviously this means that you will be putting in some very long days, but in the end it will be worth the effort that you are making. IF you try to run your business in between playing with your kids eventually you will find that you are spending a large amount of time working and not enough time with your children, or maintain the house. For most stay at home parents who run their own business they have to start work very early in the morning. One mother that I spoke with said that she has to begin work at about 5:00am in the morning. This is so that she will have plenty of time to get some work done on the business before her children wake up. Usually she gets about a good two hours of work done prior to making breakfast for her kids. Then the rest of the day is spent with her children.

One suggestion that will help to take care of two tasks at once is to have your children help you with the household chores. Most young children think it is a lot of fun to help mom or dad around the house. If you make each activity seem like some sort of game you will have no problem getting them to participate. This will allow you to get your housework done and depend some quality time with your kids. Then in the evening after you have put them to bed you can have a few more hours to devote to your work. Once your business really begins to grow and thrive you may be able to hire some additional help. Remember that running your own business as a parent who stays home means being the manager and supervisor of a lot of different tasks. It will take a lot of effort to make each run smoothly. If you stick to your schedule you will have no problem reaching all of your goals.

Karla News

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