Categories: Beauty

How to Make Natural Citrus Body Powder

Citrus body powder is a refreshing way to stay energized throughout the day. It smells amazing, feels silky smooth on skin, and does not contain talc. Since many people choose to avoid talc for health reasons, and due to the fact that talc cakes easily and wears off quickly, a corn starch based body powder is always a hit.

Plus, citrus powder is an easy way to take advantage of the benefits of aromatherapy. Citrus can reduce stress, calm nerves, quell anxiety, energize your spirit, and instantly uplift your mood. Trust me – the energizing scent will have you smiling in no time!

During the warm months I sprinkle this powder on throughout the day, and find that it keeps me dry and revitalized. I also make batches of this powder as gifts, and it is always a hit with the recipients.

So how do you make this delightful citrus powder?

– What you’ll need:
2 cups of cornstarch
2 teaspoons dried lemon peel (ground)
2 teaspoons dried orange peel (ground)
2 teaspoons dried grapefruit peel (ground)
1/2 teaspoon lavender oil
1 teaspoon neroli oil
1 1/2 teaspoons of witch hazel
* A blender* (the easiest, fastest way to make this body powder)

– How to make the powder:

1. Grind the dried orange peel, dried lemon peel, and dried grapefruit peel until they resemble powder. I use a mortar and pestle to do this, and it works very well.

2. Pour the witch hazel, lavender oil, and neroli oil into a small bowl and blend well.

3. Next, add 2 cups of cornstarch to the blender, and start blending using the lowest setting. Add the powdered citrus peels to the blender, and blend for a few seconds.

4. Slowly drizzle the oil and witch hazel mixture into the cornstarch as the blender continues to mix.

5. After the powder has been thoroughly blended together, pour or scoop it into a clean container or powder shaker type dispenser. I find it easiest to tilt the blender and scrape the product slowly out of the blender.

Don’t have a blender? You can get the same, wonderfully citrus results by using a bowl instead. Just put the cornstarch and ground peels into a large bowl, then mix the witch hazel and oils in a separate small bowl. Next, add the oil/witch hazel mixture to the cornstarch as you blend by hand.

Whichever method you choose, in about 15 minutes you will have about a pound of incredible smelling powder.

– How to package the powder:

For my own use, I put the citrus body powder into a glass powder jar and use a large puff to apply the product. It feels amazing after a warm bath!

When I give the citrus body powder as gifts, I use shaker containers that have been decorated. I will either draw pretty designs directly on the cardboard shaker container, or I’ll use a graphics program on my computer to create personalized labels.

For a great selection of containers, check out Mountain Rose Herbs.

You could also head out to a local antique store and pick up a beautiful, crystal powder jar. Who wouldn’t love getting one of those as a gift?

However you choose to package your citrus powder, I know it will be as big a hit with your friends and family as it is with mine. They will appreciate the fact that you took the time to make them something wonderful, and you will appreciate how quick and easy this project is. Have fun!

1. Personal notes from a lot of trial and error!
2. Forever Fragrant. Aromatherapy Quick Reference Chart. “Aromatherapy Usage Suggestions.” January 09, 2011.

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