Categories: Pets

How to Make Crocheted Cat Toys

The Best Materials

To keep from accumulating a basket full of toys they don’t like, do some research to choose what your cat seems to like best.

Some pet owners say that patterns and contrast of colors are the first thing to consider in making cat toys, but color is not always a consideration because cats don’t perceive colors the same way that humans do. Another consideration is the choice of material to be used, with some pet lovers advising that the use of acrylic yarn should be avoided because many cats don’t like the taste of acrylic yarn. Using wool or cotton would be more acceptable; furthermore, cotton is more robust, and the finished cat toy is more durable. A stuffing inside the toys such as catnip provides added fun for your pet and will certainly bring a smile to your day.

Choosing Cat Toy Patterns

The most appealing cat toy to make is one with a design that is easy to follow. The simpler ones that can be made by crocheters of any skill level are cat balls. Some can take a only few minutes to complete if you’re handy at crocheting. Look for patterns that can be followed even by those with rudimentary knowledge of the art of crocheting. The best patterns in this case would be those that involve basic stitches like the half-double crochet (hdc), double crochet (dc), and chain stitch.

Simple Crochet Steps

Cat rollies can be crocheted in no time using this simple, original pattern. You will need:

  • Yarn (worsted weight)
  • Size J crochet hook
  • Cotton balls or polyester fiberfill
  • Tapestry needle or plastic yarn needle
  • Catnip

Three rows are needed for this crochet project . The following abbreviations are used in the directions: single crochet (sc) and half double crochet (hdc). This is an easy project for beginners or experienced crocheters

For the first row, start with a slip knot, chain four, and join with a slip stitch to form a ring. Work 10 sc into the ring, and join with a slip stitch in the last sc. Do not turn your work; keep working around the circle in rounds.

Chain two (counts as first hdc), and work one hdc into the same space as the chain and one hdc into each remaining stitch around (10 hdc total) and join with a slip stitch in the last hdc. Chain two (counts as the first hdc), and work one hdc the same stitch as the chain and two hdc into each stitch around (20 hdc total). Cut the yarn, leaving at least six inches to sew up the toy and pulling the end through the final stitch.

Using a tapestry needle threaded with yarn, run the needle in and out at the top edge of the last row of stitches. Pull the yarn to gather the top of the toy and form a cup shape; stuff tightly with cotton balls or polyester fiberfill. Add a little catnip and finish by pulling the yarn tightly to close the ball, weaving in the end and cutting off any excess.

Your pet now has a new catnip toy to add to its basket of toys, which was made with love by its devoted owner. Now that you know how easy it is to make crocheted cat toys, why not make some for your cat-loving friends?

(Original crochet pattern courtesy of Donna Cosmato)


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