Categories: Decorating & Design

How to Make an Interior Table Fountain

A table top fountain is easy to put together with just a few simple supplies:

1. Small table top pump. Make sure it is for a table top fountain as one
that is too large will water anything that is nearby and not remain in the

2. Any container that will hold water. This can be made from any material
and be any size, but make sure there is enough room for it where it will

3. Something to go in the container to hide the pump. The use of small
stones or rocks is ideal as is colored marbles.

4. Water tubing to direct the water, but not too long.

5. Some sort of pipe or other device to direct the water out and over the rocks.
This is optional as the tubing can direct the water flow up enough above
the stones. The addition of the tubing or other directional device will create
a soothing sound of water flowing by direction it over the rocks and back into
the container.

Assembly of the supplies is simple. Add the short piece of tubing over the out-flow column on the top or side of the pump. Some pumps come with a short piece but if the one you have does not, be sure to take the pump when you go to purchase the tubing in order to get the correct size. Place the pump firmly in the container using the suction cups on the bottom to anchor it in place. Add the stones, marbles, or other material to cover the pump. Make sure the cord to the pump is over the back of the container and try to hide it with the cover material. Most pumps have a water flow control so the pressure of the flow of water does not go too high and out of the container. Adjust this before the pump is in its final place by placing the pump in the container with water to check the flow.

Once the pump is set then add the stones in place, and add enough water to fill the container. Then plug in the pump and turn it on. Make sure the flow of water is not too great where a lot of splashing occurs, as this will soon empty the container. Once the fountain is working properly, empty the stones and water, then place it in the area where it is visible and has easy access. Replace the stones and water and turn on the pump.

The newer pumps come with a on/off switch, which is convenient for operation. If it does not have one, an electrical switch plugged into the pump chord works just as well. An extension cord can place the switch closer to the pump if the outlet is difficult to reach.

This is a simple design and the pictures show the end result. Almost any material that will hold water is idea for making a fountain for inside. The use if different size pottery makes for an interesting design. A large bowl as the base, a smaller pot with a drainage hole placed in the center of the bowl over the pump and hides the mechanics. Then a saucer with a whole drilled in the center placed over the upturned pot and covered with a smaller pot and a smaller saucer and a smaller pot. The tubing should reach to the base of the top-most pot. Make sure not to go too high with the fountain or the pump will not get the water to the top of the pyramid.

Clay pottery is ideal but a clay bowl, even if it does not have a drainage hole, will leak water through the porous side. Spraying the bowl with several coats of any type of urethane or other spray sealer will fill the pours, making the clay watertight. Use a water barrier under the bowl to make sure the bowl does not harm furniture on which it well sit.

To drill a hole in clay, use a variable speed drill with a large glass and tile bit that will make a hole large enough for the tubing to fit through snugly. If the hole is too large, water will run through the hole instead of over the side of the saucer. Depending on the size of the tubing, sometimes the holes in the bottom of the pots need drilling to enlarge them. It is important not to make the holes too large or water will fall out of the pot and not cascade over the saucers back into the bottom bowl.

It is easy to google table top fountains to see some of the examples of fountains that are availabe on the market. Some are inexpensive and some are very expensive but none are unique to you. By searching through the pictures, you can get ideas of designs that may include things you already have availabe in your home.

Imagination is the key to the design. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money and by looking for things around the house, anyone can make a fountain that is both unique and special for their interior space.


Karla News

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