Categories: Gardening

How to Make a Backyard Goldfish Pond

With the Spring time only a few months off, now is the time to start thinking about adding something different to your backyard area. Many people like to add compost areas, herbal gardens, flower gardens, deck and patio areas. However, with a little work in the right setting of a backyard, a Goldfish Pond can make a charming area. This article will give you the basics for doing so.

Things that you will need are a spade, level, pond liner, sand, electric deicer, fish food, and Goldfish.

First choose the best spot for your pond. It is good to have it in an area that gets both shade and sunshine. Look around your backyard. Pick the ideal location. Some individuals like it to be in the center, yet others like it a bit out of the way. Each location is different.

Select the size and type of pond that meets your budget and need. Your choices for durability include a earthen bottom, concrete, fiberglass or PVC liner.

Excavate the site with a spade.The hole and ground around it must be completely level. Next line the base of the pond with wet sand. Then, insert the liner for a good fit.

Fill the pond gently and slowly with water. You must have 5 times more water than inches of fish. Example; If you have five four inch Goldfish, you need 100 gallons of water in your pond.

Introduce your Goldfish by letting the bag that they are in float around freely in the pond for about one hour. This helps let the fish acclimate themselves to the pond’s temperature.

Feed the goldfish only in the spring and fall. During the summer, they must learn to take care of themselves by eating insects and their eggs. In the winter the fish are always dormant

In the winter protect the fish from the ice freezing. Some ice is okay. You can do this by using an electric deicer. If the pond still freezes over, chip a hole in the ice periodically.

You want some shade. However, try not to put the pond directly under a tree. If you do, you will be cleaning leaves out all the time.

You can spice up your pond if you want. You can add pump that will take the water out of the pond up over some landscape rocks and let it reenter like a continuous waterfall. You might also place some color marbles in the bottom. You can place an old log that is partially submerged. I have even seen constructed boats placed on top of the water.

Another idea is to place some plants alongside the pond. The plants attract insects that the fish will need to feed on during the summer. Be free with your imagination.

Some people feel that it is a lot of work to build and care for a pond. However, it really isn’t. It can be a great attraction for your backyard. Visitors and children will be impressed with it.

You can find pond pumps, liners, and electric deicers at Lowe’s or Home Depot. There are even pet shops and garden shops that provide these items.

One last thought. Don’t purchase your Goldfish until you are ready to put them in. They should actually be the last to go into your pond. Over handling of them, could cause them to die. You want to get them into their new pond as soon as possible. There are Pet stores that have Goldfish that are especially for outdoor ponds. I have seen the tiny tank Goldfish used but, don’t recommend them. The smaller ones tend to die quickly.

Karla News

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