How to Identify Drunk or Impaired Drivers

In 1997 my Father was killed by a drunk driver. After his untimely death our family became passionate about raising awareness of drunk and impaired drivers. We started a non-profit named D.E.A.N (Dedicated to Eliminating Alcohol related Negligence) our first project was creating bright yellow bumper stickers that say, “Drunk Drivers Kill Dial 911.” Using these bumper stickers we made it our mission to remind people that they can take action immediately when the happen upon a drunk or impaired driver.

The hints below give you many different ways to help you identify if a driver is drunk or impaired. I have spoken with many police officers regarding how to identify a drunk or impaired driver. I was surprised to learn that a large number of impaired drivers may not be weaving or swerving noticeably. These officers told me that they use many other “symptoms” to identify a drunk or impaired driver.

1) Turning with a wide radius;
You may see a driver who swings out wide to make a turn that would otherwise be easily maneuvered.

2) Straddling center of lane marker;
An impaired driver will use the line to help them concentrate on driving straight, not realizing that they are driving down the middle of the road.

3) “Appearing to be drunk”;
A driver may be hunched over the wheel or leaning to the side.

4) Almost striking object or vehicle;

5) Weaving;
You do not have to cross a line to weave. One officer stated that he has pulled over a numerous number of drivers who were weaving with their lane.

6) Driving on other than designated highway;
Sidewalkes, grassy lots, any service can be viewed as a road to someone who is drunk or impaired.

7) Swerving;

8) Speed more than 10 mph below limit;
It is a common myth that impaired drivers are usually speeding. Most drunk or impaired drivers will actually slow down while they try to concentrate on staying within their lane.

9) Stopping without cause in traffic lane;
The drunk or impaired driver may stop at an unmarked intersection or at a green light. In their impairment they are being overcautious and are easily confused on when and where to stop.

10) Following too closely;
Drunk or impaired drivers may try to use the car in front of them as a guide.

11) Drifting;

12) Tires on center or lane marker;
Again the drunk or impaired driver is using the lane markers as a guide to keep them from weaving or swerving.

13) Braking erratically;
A drunk or impaired driver will often brake erratically while trying to concentrate on the road ahead.

14) Driving into opposing or crossing traffic;

15) Signaling inconsistent with driving actions;
The impaired state of the driver confuses them and they use the wrong blinker or signal way before their turn.

16) Slow response to traffic signals;
Alcohol and drugs slows your reaction time, so the drunk or impaired driver will brake when they shouldn’t or not brake at all.

17) Stopping inappropriately (other than in lane);

18) Turning abruptly or illegally;

19) Accelerating or decelerating rapidly;
While concentrating on the road ahead the drunk or impaired driver will momentarily forget about speed.

20) Headlights off.
No headlights doesn’t seem like a very menacing action, but when you add no headlights to any of the other actions on this list you get a dangerous combination.

The list above was created by the National Highway Transportation Safety Board, however I have added some thoughts of my own and tips from Police Officers that I have spoken with.


Karla News

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