Categories: Parenting

How to Get Teenagers to Do Chores Around the Home

If you are wondering how to get your teenagers to do chores around the home, I have found the solution. To some people I imagine it will sound harsh but for those of us who live with a sloppy teenager well you understand how hard it is sometimes to get teenagers to do chores around the home.

I have did the asking, begging, pleading, grounding, bribery tricks to no avail this time and after being so tired of looking at the undone chores around the house I decided to take it upon my self and inconvenience them. I decided to clean my house in the middle of the night, this way they cannot get a good nights sleep. Perhaps I can re-teach my teenagers to do chores around the home when it is daylight.

Usually they are not like this, they do things when asked, but for the past two weeks I have been ill with migraines and of course I had do deal with the dreaded RA flare. They did not do chores around the house, as I have felt well enough to stand I have seen the dishes were done.

Some days it took me over an hour of doing the dishes, seeing that I could only stand for about ten minutes at a time before the pain got so bad in my knees. They skipped their chores around the home because I only asked one time, because I was either sleeping or too tired to deal with their excuses. Expecting teenagers to do chores around the home, cannot be done at least in my house without some constant nagging with my younger two.

This is how I found myself doing double duty with my regular freelance work and doing my teenagers chores around the home in the middle of the night, because I am finally feeling better and wish to teach them a lesson. I have a four-year-old granddaughter in my house usually but on the weekends, she goes to her dads so I know cleaning at night here is not bothering her, but it is bothering the teenagers somewhat as I am not being quiet.

I usually am up at night quietly doing my articles when I feel good that is, but tonight that is a different matter all together. I tossed in a load of laundry, did a few dishes, or vacuumed in between writing my articles and somewhere along the night all work was done. I know some of you maybe wondering how this will teach teenagers to do chores around the home. It is called inconveniencing and denying them.

In our house, teenagers do chores around the home in order to get some spending cash to do fun things during the weekend. Tonight I will not be parting with any money nor will I be buying a pizza and wings.

You see by doing their chores around the home I get to keep their allowance for the week, and since it is Friday, I am thinking a fish fry will be wonderful and that is their allowance. Lesson to my teenagers priceless I hope, and what I deserve a night out without them.

Karla News

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