Categories: Education

How to Create a Good Motivational Speech

What comes to your mind when the word “motivational speaker” strikes your eardrums? I bet you are going to have this image of a well-groomed guy with a black coat on, standing by the podium and giving some “speech” to brain wash us to have better emotional sense of well being. While some people enjoy these sorts of talks, most people just find that it is a big turn off and these talks are just pointless. If you are a motivational speaker, then help to tweak these feelings among your audiences and awe them with a mind-blowing motivational speech. Learn how to create a good motivational speech to make your audiences listen to you like robots.

Speaking is easy peasy, but the only tough part is to inspire someone with your speech. Successful motivational speakers are the ones that are able to inspire people and help them change their live tremendously. A motivational speaker who can deliver his messages across well can easily turn someone’s life around just by a snap of the finger, literally. The motivational speaker does play the most essential role.

Before you are ready to whip out your laptop and start typing your next motivational speech, read up on these tips to help you be a better and awe-inspiring motivational speaker.

1 . You will need a motivating and heart gripping story to back you up throughout your entire speech. Try to evoke some kind of empathy from your crowd. If you manage it well, you will already get to have this mutual connection with them. Try to keep these stories as real as possible. Life stories like from your daily dose of the “chicken soup” series can be a good guide for you. Stories of overcoming challenges, stories from your own experience, and stories of triumph are just some of the crowds’ favorite. Mix them around and it will be your secret concoction for the audience.

2. Do not overdose your speech with unlimited tales. It will just bore your audience as too much of stories makes the entire speech sound a little bit fake. So, do remember to include a clear message that helps to support the story. “The moral of the story is…” Yeah, you should know the drill. Do this and your story will be powerful and motivating at the same time. You can even choose just 1 story and try to relate multiple examples to it to support the message.

3. The key to making your targeted market to connect well with you is to let them know that you understand them fully. Your education, your personal experience or your research should tell them that you understand fully what are their desire and pains. Your story should have messages and examples that provide them with solution to help them with the pain or desire. You might not realize it but if you are really effective, your motivational speech can make the audience feel better and more encouraged.

4 . Nothing comes ever so easily. You will need practice, practice and even more practice. The more you do it, the more natural it will be to you. Add verbal inflection, body gestures, facial emotions and such to bring your message across more effectively.

Have fun connecting with your audience. Share with them your experience and you will feel that you accomplished a milestone just by changing a person’s life for the better.

Karla News

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