How to Cope with Mild Depression

Are you experiencing mild depression and are unsure on how to manage it? To help understand what type of impact mild depression typically has on someone’s overall life and for tips on what you can do to cope with mild depression, I have interviewed psychotherapist Daisy S. Vergara, LPC.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

“I have a masters in Counseling Psychology with emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Chaminade University of Honolulu at Honolulu, Hawaii. Since my graduation from Chaminade, I have been providing counseling in various non- profit organizations. Currently I am working in a private practice. I am a nationally certified counselor, and licensed as a mental health clinician both in Texas and in Hawaii. The population of clientele that I work with is children under the age of 9 and adults. In my work, although I would call myself an eclectic therapist, I’m more focused on Solution Focused orientation, which is short term, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which in my opinion, has a lasting impact in changing someone’s live.

What type of impact can mild depression have on someone’s life?
“I think mild depression is a sadness that has surpassed a ‘regular’ kind of sadness. Mild depression can create a negative impact on someone’s personal, social, and/or work life. When someone feels depressed, one may feel a sudden loss of desire to do regular activities such as eating and working. He/she is most likely to be in a grumpy and irritable mood almost at all times. He/she can feel miserable and cry almost everyday. This may cause one to withdraw from family or friends. Usually when someone feels depressed, he/she also has problems with sleeping. He/she may both sleep too much and feel fatigue, or can’t seem to fall asleep and keep waking up from sleep.

What are some tips for coping with mild depression?
“This may sound clich©, but I always tell my clients to go outside their homes, and socialize. I understand this may be very difficult to do when you are not motivated to do anything or are in irritable mood, but being by yourself and staying at home, would only make you feel worse. Another way to cope is to exercise. When you exercise, the increase in activity will cause your brain to release a chemical called Endorphin. Endorphin creates positive feelings in your body and will elevate your mood. Keep the positive thinking going and talking to someone you know helps too. Letting out your feelings and emotions is a great way to reduce depressed feelings because when you talk to someone, you are more than likely to find help on how to cope.”

What type of professional help is available for someone that is having a difficult time coping with mild depression?
“Counseling would be beneficial for those who have a difficult time coping with mild depression. Most of the time, counseling will offer you new, un-biased, and fresh perspectives on life. It will provide you with new coping tools and problem solving skills, or even stress management skills that you may have overlooked or never thought of. I think this is the reason why counseling is helpful and would be beneficial for everyone who needs guidance onto new directions or rejuvenation in their lives. Of course, you can only feel and reap the benefit out of counseling if you make good effort in applying coping skills and strategies taught and discussed by your counselor or therapist.

Thank you Daisy for doing the interview on tips for coping with mild depression. For more information on Daisy S. Vergara or her work you can check out her website at .

Recommended Readings:″>How to Overcome Depression″>Treatment for Depression

Healing Depression Through the Expressive Arts

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