Categories: Food & Wine

How Cheap Pizza Buffet Restaurants Make the Food Go Further

Did you ever wonder how cheap buffet pizza restaurants are able to offer all-you-can eat pizza, pasta, salad, drinks and desserts for an amazing low price? They know how to make ingredients go a lot further by using simple food preparation tricks. Expensive ingredients are thinned out, and cheap ingredients are served in abundance. The food is still good, but those that are accustomed to top quality pizza, pasta sauces and other dishes notice the difference. Cheap buffet pizza restaurants that know how to make the food go further are able to keep their prices low. They enable almost everyone to enjoy restaurant meals other than typical fast food burgers and fries.

They Make Parmesan Cheese Go Further By Mixing in Flour as Filler

I recently dined at a cheap buffet pizza restaurant in Portage Indiana, and I noticed something unusual about the Parmesan cheese. It did not look like the grated Parmesan cheese that I was accustomed to. I tasted it on the tip of my finger, and I realized that it included a filler that seemed more like white flour than cheese of any variety. What I initially thought was Parmesan did not have the typical pungent odor or flavor either. I realized that it was a tactic to make the food go further.

Parmesan cheese is not cheap, and when it is placed in containers on tables, some people would use half of a jar in one sitting. Some cheap buffet pizza restaurants make the food go further by combining the expected ingredients with cheap fillers to make it go further, but their tactic failed miserably. It did nothing to add flavor to the food, and I was not fooled.

Cheap Buffet Pizza Restaurants Serve Very Thin Sauces

Tactics used to make the food go further are not limited to dry toppings. Cheap buffet pizza restaurants also know how to make their sauces go a lot further. The Alfredo and pizza sauce that was provided for dipping and topping pasta was extremely thin. If it was thick and rich it would not go very far. Cheap buffet pizza restaurants that serve sauces have to thin them down considerably to keep their prices low. However, if they were any thinner they would not be palatable, but those that regularly dine in cheap pizza buffet restaurants do not notice how thin the sauces are. They keep coming back because they can enjoy a restaurant meal at an amazing low price.

Cheap Buffet Pizza Restaurants Skimp on the Salad Bar

Do not count on enjoying good salads in cheap pizza buffet restaurants. They do not use vitamin-rich leaf lettuce. They use cheap head lettuce instead. They also provide the cheapest salad toppings possible. You will not typically find tomatoes, real shredded cheese, bacon bits, fresh mushrooms or black olives on the buffet. What you will likely find are cheap croutons, jalapeno peppers, dill pickle slices and onions.

I was surprised to see green peppers on the salad bar in the cheap buffet pizza restaurant I visited. However, everything was thrown in. The seeds had not been removed, and I would not have been shocked to find a few stems in the mix. They make the peppers go further by including the seeds, membranes and more.

The food was good, but it was far from exceptional. It was obviously cheap, but it reflected the price. Restaurants are not in the business to give food away. They look for ways to make the food go further and turn a profit. Eat at cheap pizza buffet restaurants and you will enjoy a filling meal, but do not expect it to be high in quality. Dine at higher end buffets and you will enjoy higher quality food, but it will not be cheap in price. It is a matter of deciding if quality matters more than price and quantity. You really do get what you pay for, and it is up to you to decide.

Source: Personal Experience

Karla News

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