Categories: Gardening

Homemade Safe Pesticides for Your Garden

This year, my husband and I planted two large gardens full of vegetables – he did the digging, tilling, and general pre-preparation of the once grass-covered earth, and I did all the rest. I was so excited throughout the whole process – seeing the small seedlings break through their sandy muddy world and into mine, and seeing them grow and gain strength and finally . . . produce fruit. But I was so upset one day when I realized that bugs were trying to move in on my delights.

I had to do something. But the problem was that 1) I didn’t want to spoil my healthy garden by using some harmful to my health pesticides that are readily available (and will probably do the job very well of getting rid of the bugs), and 2) I just didn’t have the money anyway to go out and buy pest control . . . after all, the main idea of my gardens was to have cheap food to eat as this economy plunges.

So, my first thing I tried was this: I took an empty spray bottle (had glass cleaner in it, but I cleaned it out well), filled it 3/4 full with water and poured a few tablespoons of hot sauce in. I closed it tight and shook it and made my way out to the garden. I sprayed the plants, concentrating on the fruits that were already growing. End result? This is a very good method, but I think it would be better as a wax substance so it can stick. After any rain, the pepper water is of course washed away and you have to start over again.

However, I did find that you can use dishwashing detergent as a substance to help the stuff stick. Here is one such recipe: Use 3 hot green peppers, 3 cloves of garlic and blend in processor. Then add 3/4 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent, and 3 cups of water. Mix all together and try it out on your precious plants!

If you are having problem with slugs, simply pour some beer in a shallow bowl/pan and leave on the ground of your garden overnight. They are attracted to it and drown in it.

If you are experiencing cabbage worms, they say to sprinkle flower on the cabbage heads and this is supposed to swell the worm’s intestines and make them burst and die.

In general, too keep bugs like aphids away from your plants, use a recipe with onions and garlic and peppers mixed with water. Seems to work!

Have fun in your garden this year, and don’t forget to plant a variety of vegetables and other plants. Planting a variety close together can actually help to keep certain bugs away . . . take, for example, planting marigolds around or throughout your garden. They’re supposed to be bug repellents, so give it a try! Also, sometimes your plants and seed packs will tell you what you can plant in addition to what you are buying to keep certain things away. Like, tomatoes to help beans, etc.

Karla News

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