Homemade Remedies for Leg Cramps

It started when I was a child, and it followed me into adulthood. I dreaded waking up in the middle of the night feeling that excruciating pain in my lower legs. Then, when I took a job that required me to be on my feet most of the shift, I’d feel the pain in the daytime as well. I never had any health problems that would explain the pains in my lower extremities. But, still, they happened. If you have this same problem, try these homemade remedies for leg cramps!

Today, I never wake up with cramps in my legs at night. And, having pains in my legs during the daytime hours is practically a thing of the past as well. One of the most common causes of leg cramps is a lack of potassium in your system. To add this beneficial electrolyte to your body, you can take a supplement. Or you can add plenty of potassium-rich bananas, apricots, tomatoes and raisins to your daily diet. Another bonus to getting more potassium in your system, is that it’s also good for your heart as well!

Another homemade remedy for leg cramps is to drink a cocktail every day. Not just any cocktail will work, though, it has to be an Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail. The taste may turn you off at first, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad. Mix up two teaspoons of vinegar in a small glass of water. Stir in a teaspoon of honey and drink it down. The Apple Cider Vinegar is chock-full of potassium and beneficial vitamins and minerals to help ease your leg pains. (Be sure that you drink plenty of water every day too, to keep your body properly hydrated.)

If you’d rather not drink it, you can rub your leg muscles with undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar instead.

Leg cramps can happen anytime, but the muscle pains that awaken you at night can be the most annoying. Taking a hot shower before you turn in can help loosen tight muscles. However, taking a hot bath and actually soaking your legs is a more effective homemade remedy. After you’ve soaked your legs for several minutes, gently massage your legs with your fingers to further relax the muscles and increase blood circulation.

Resting a muscle isn’t an effective way to help relieve the pain of leg cramps. In fact, inactivity is one of the many causes of this hurtful problem. Once you get a contraction, the only way to get rid of it is to exercise and stretch it away. Performing some simple exercises can also help keep your legs from cramping up in the day or nighttime.

To loosen the muscles in your legs, stand up and push your left leg behind you as far as you can reach. Bend your foot so your toes are pointed behind you. Hold this position to the count of twenty. Then, move your foot back and forth several times. Now, move your left leg in front of you as far as possible; repeat the process. Do this five times, then change legs and repeat the entire process.

And finally, if you enjoy drinking tea, another homemade remedy for leg cramps is to drink two or three cups of Chamomile Tea every day. Chamomile contains an amino acid called “Glycine. Glycine is known for its calming effects on the nervous system, as well as on the muscles in your body.

Karla News

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