Categories: Decorating & Design

Home Made Drum Wraps?

Drum wraps materials are limited by two aspects: flexibility and possibility to print on them. Paper sounds like an obvious choice considering these two characteristics and you would think it would be so easy to bend around the drum’s shell and you would be right, but those are not the only requirements. The drum wrap’s material has to be strong too and easy to clean and it has to be glued to the shell without it changing shape or consistency.

But we live in a time of technology and laminating is a technology that came very much in handy for drum wrap suppliers. A high-heat process is used for the best quality and to ensure the strength of the wrap, but other than that, the options are almost endless. Anything can be printed on paper, from a photo to a CD cover, your own pattern design or even a drawing, so you might think making drum wraps is not that hard and you can make your own.

You won’t be entirely wrong. You can try to make your own wrap and you can decorate it with almost anything that comes to mind. You do need to keep in mind that your sheet of paper has to be long enough to embrace the drum’s shell. When it comes to width, the best thing is to have it match your drum’s height, but multiple sheets can work if you know what you’re doing. You can go crazy with the design, you can let your child draw on the paper, you can glue stuff to it, not very thick objects, and you can even cut patters in it to allow the bear shell of the drum to be seen. But whatever you decide to do with the paper, you have to laminate it to make it drum wrap material.

Of course, you have to be convinced that the end result can be underwhelming or even disappointing, so if you don’t have time to play around, you better find a specialist. They can do things for you that you surely can not, having equipment and expertise you are lacking. They can make your drum wrap look like metal, they can dress it in glitter or glass, they offer amazing colors and color combinations, not to mention high quality animal skins patterns that you might find pretty difficult to handle at home.

However, laminated paper is not always used, high quality plastic, vinyl and even thin sheets of wood that can be bent are also suitable for drum wraps, although maybe not as versatile as paper, but with a different look to them. Specialists will definitely not reveal their work secrets, so a home job can’t compare, but it can be an educative process, especially for children. Trying to make their own drum wrap material will put their creativity and dexterity to the test, not to mention passion for their instrument.

Shawn is a hobby drummer and has a great interest in drums and drum wraps. He also owns an informative website about drum wrap, custom drum wrap and drum wrap suppliers.

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