Categories: Alternative Medicine

Healing with Crystals: Cinnabar

Cinnabar is the common name applied to the mineral red mercury sulfide or native vermillion (a common ore of mercury.) The name “cinnabar” derives from the East Indian for “dragon’s blood.” It has also been said to come from the Greek “kinnabari.” Kinnabari was a term used by the philosopher Theophrastus, a descendant of Aristotle. It has also been called cinnabarite.

It has a wide range of localities and can generally be found in those places that produce mercury. Some of the more noteworthy localities of cinnabar include Spain (Almaden), Tuscany (Apuan Alps), Slovenia (Idrija), and Peru (Huancavelica). In the United States, it can be found in Texas, Oregon, Arkansas, New Almaden (California), Hastings Mine and St. John’s Mine (Vallejo, California).

Cinnabar was originally mined for its mercury content and as a pigment during the Roman Empire. Its color ranges from vermillion (red), to brown-red, grey, brick red, and bright scarlet. It is important to note that because of the high toxicity of mercury, both the mining of cinnabar and refining it for its mercury content are hazardous. The Romans used convict labor in their mines as a form of death sentence. Although cinnabar is known to be highly toxic, it is still used, as is arsenic, in its powdered form mixed with water, in conventional Chinese medicine, where it is called “zhusha.” They prescribe it on the theory, “using poison to cure poison.” It is NOT used in western medicine.

It was also often used in royal burial cavities during the peak of the Mayan civilization. The red stone was put into the limestone tombs, both as a decoration and to discourage thieves with its well-known toxicity.

Cinnabar crystallizes in several ways including:

-Rhombohedral: six-faced crystals with each face having the shape of a rhombus.

-Masses: minerals that have no particular shape.

-Tabular: four-sided crystal that is usually flat.

-Twinning: twinning in cinnabar is distinct and creates an infiltration twin that is ridged with six ridges encasing the point of a pyramid.

-Earthy: a tendency of the stone to fall apart when put under pressure.

Metaphysical Properties of Cinnabar

-Cinnabar, known as the “merchant’s stone,” is said to generate an increase in income when it is placed in one’s cash vault. It not only aids in attaining material wealth but also in maintaining it.

-Helps one to unite with “the source of all being.” (Melody, pg. 209).

-Effective in removing energy blockages, making it easier to realign the chakras (seven energy centers of the subtle body).

-Fosters the quality of courage as it removes the negative characteristic of hostility.

-Develops the character traits of confidence and efficiency in one’s ambitions.

Healing Properties of Cinnabar

-Effective in the treatment of blood disorders.

-Beneficial in issues relating to infertility.

-Helpful in strengthening one’s physical body.

-Has been useful in dealing with issues concerning weight.

The astrological sign for cinnabar is Leo. It vibrates to the number eight.


Melody. (1995). Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals. Wheat Ridge, Colorado: Earth-Love Publishing House.

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