Healing with Crystals: Aventurine

Aventurine is a variety of mineral (usually quartz or feldspar) which is spotted with bits of mica or hematite. It is translucent to opaque and contains platy mineral inclusions that give it an iridescent or glistening effect. This sparkling effect is known as “aventurescence.” It is often mistaken for malachite, amazonite, and jade.

The most common color of aventurine is green but specimens can also be found in orange, yellow, blue, brown, and gray. It is often banded (having stripes) due to an overabundance of fuschite. Samples that contain spots of hematite are orange or brown in color.

The name “aventurine” derives from the Italian “a ventura” meaning “by chance.” It was named so when aventurine glass or goldstone, a common imitation of aventurine, was discovered by chance sometime during the 18th century by Venetian glass workers in a factory.

The greater part of green and blue-green aventurine comes from India, mainly in the region of Mysore and Madras in south India. Creamy white, white, and orange specimens are found in Chile, Spain, and Russia. Other localities include Austria, Tanzania, Brazil, and China.

Metaphysical Properties of Aventurine

-Used to clear and activate the heart chakra. It also protects the heart chakra by acting as a shield so that others can’t “steal” energy from it.

-Balances the male and female (yin and yang) energies.

-Motivates one to be more active in life.

-Aligns the intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies.

-Improves ones creativity.

-Grounds one emotionally by reducing stress and anxiety and releasing fear.

-Strengthens ones leadership qualities.

-Thought to be a lucky talisman as it brings good luck to gamblers.

-Cultivates ones confidence.

-Can calm a restless spirit and bring about inner peace.

-Emphasizes ones resolve and determination.

-Encourages emotional tranquility and positive attitudes.

-Protects one from unwanted negative energies.

-Supports one in self-discipline and building inner strength.

-This is a good stone for teenagers as it has a stabilizing effect on the emotions.

Healing Properties of Aventurine

-Aventurine is considered to be the “all-purpose” healer.

-Used in the treatment of disorders of the heart and lungs.

-Improves nearsightedness.

-Green aventurine strengthens ones muscle tissue and blood.

-Increases libido.

-Helps stimulate growth in children.

-Useful in the treatment of fevers and inflammation.

-Effective in treating blood pressure abnormalities and hypertension.

-An excellent remedy for treating migraines.

-Beneficial in healing conditions of the urogenital system.

-Used to treat disorders of the adrenal glands and the nervous system.

The astrological sign for aventurine is Aries. It is the planetary stone of Taurus and vibrates to the number three. It is the anniversary gemstone for the 8th year of marriage.


Melody. (1995). Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals. Wheat Ride, Colorado: Earth-Love Publishing House.

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