Categories: TRAVEL

Haunted Akron, Ohio – The Eerie Side of Town

Ghostly babies crying in the night, footsteps in the night, ghostly figures that appear and then are gone. We all love to retell these stories of things that go bump in the night. Some swear they’re true. For others, they’re just stories told around the campfire to scare little children. Every town has their stories, and Akron, Ohio is no different.

From haunted schools and theaters, to “Cry Baby Bridge”, Akron is full of tales of spirits who refuse to leave.

The Akron Civic Theater

Built in 1929 on the bank of the Ohio Erie Canal, the Akron Civic Theater has provided entertainment to the Akron Area for over 75 years. However, most guests are unaware of the spirits that lurk backstage.

One of the more popular stories is of Fred, a janitor who worked for the theater when it was first built by Marcus Loew. Fred died in the theater while working, but Fred didn’t let that stop him from tending to his duties. Fred especially likes to appear during the many high school proms that are hosted by the theater. When young would-be vandals try to work their mischief on the theater, Fred has a habit of making his presence know, and protecting the place that has been his home.

Another story is of a well-dressed actor who appears to various cast and crew back stage. Apparently he was never told that his show is over. He has also been seen by guests and employees in the balcony area of the theater.

Outside the theater, there have been reports of a woman crying at the side of the Erie Canal. The theory is that it is a woman who committed suicide in the canal in the days before the theater was built.
The University of Akron

The University of Akron is located in down town Akron. As it has grown over the years, it has purchased the surrounding land. Rumor has it that one of the pieces of property it built on was once a cemetery. As any ghost story lover will tell you, it’s never a good idea to disturb the dead. Several buildings that are owned by the University, especially the older buildings, have stories of troubled spirits that visit the students at night.

The Hower House is a Victorian Mansion owned by the University. It was built in 1871 by John Henry Hower, a leading industrialist in Akron. Male workers and guests have been the target of a female ghost ever since the home was restored and opened to public tours. It is believed that the woman was one of the Hower’s, who was outraged due to her husband’s infidelities.

The TKE House and the Sigma Nu House have also been reported to have haunts of their own. The TKE house has had numerous students report seeing a young servant girl wandering through the house. It’s believed that she died in the house when it was a residence, and is now buried in a hard to find grave behind the house.

The Sigma Nu house has stories of a sorority member who hung herself in the boiler room of the house. Since then she has been seen wandering the halls, and reports have been made of dishes being smashed at night after everyone has gone to bed, and of the contents of closets being emptied onto the floors. There, residents also hear footsteps from the second floor when there is no one up there.

Archbishop Hoban High School

Archbishop Hoban High School was once run by the Brothers of the Holy Cross. When this old school was renovated, many of the old Brothers dormitories were converted to art rooms, tutoring centers, and the admissions office. It has been reported that during the Feast of St. Joseph (the Brothers patron saint) a line of dark robed priests can be seen walking throughout the building looking for their rooms. These priests have not been reported anywhere else at the school.

Cry Baby Bridge

Many towns throughout the country lay claim to the legend of Cry Baby Bridge, and the Akron area is no different. This is perhaps the most well known of the ghostly legends in this region. Located in an area outside Akron called Rouges Hollow, is a non-descript bridge crossing a small river. If you weren’t looking for it, you may not even realize you had crossed a bridge. However, its appearance has not kept it from becoming very popular among ghost hunters in this area. There are three different stories surrounding this small bridge.

The first is a tale of an unmarried mother who was jilted by her lover. In a fit of despair and depression, she threw her baby into the river to drown. At night, if you are very quiet, you can hear the gurgling cries of the drowning baby.

The second story is a little different. In this story the woman is accused of being a witch. She became had a baby that was fathered by a married man in the town. Rather than allow the townspeople to take her baby from her, she threw the child from the bridge into the river below.

The final legend of Cry Baby Bridge is that a father, mother, and baby are in a car during a cold winter. As the car crosses the bridge, it hits a patch of black ice. The father loses control of the car, and it plunged into the river below, killing the father and mother instantly. The baby, however, was thrown clear of the car and landed on the bank of the river, where it died later of exposure to the cold. If you visit the bridge at midnight, you can hear the poor baby crying for its dead parents.

These are just a few of the stories that are told about Akron. Many people have seen and heard things, and they swear they’re true. I’m saying I believe them, but…

Karla News

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