Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Handwriting Analysis Basics

Handwriting analysis is the interpretation the symbols and strikes in one’s handwriting to better understand one’s personality. There are many things you can tell about a person from their handwriting. You can tell how they are feeling, if they have any physical ailments, or even some things about their past. First it is good to get handwriting in cursive. While you can still tell a lot about a person in print, there is more of an emotional connection to cursive writing so you should get more of a detailed read. To get an overall look at how to analyze someone’s handwriting there are 5 basic elements that I always look for.

Zone- In handwriting there are three zones. The upper, middle and lower zone. The three zones represent the three major parts of the body. The upper zone represents the head, the middle zone represents the torso, and the lower zone represents the lower erogenous zones of the body. It is always good to tell which zone is more dominant in a person’s handwriting.

Upper zone

The upper zone includes letters that touch the top line such as a lower case l’s, t’s, and b’s. If it is their upper zone, then they are probably more of an intellectual or philosophical person.

Middle Zone

The middle zone includes most lowercase letters such as a, e, I, o, and u. If the middle zone is dominant than that person probably bases many of their decisions on their emotions since the heart is located in the middle zone.

Lower Zone

The lower zone consists of all the letters that drop below the lower line such as lower case y’s, g’s, q’s, p’s, and j’s. If the lower zone is most dominant, then that person is probably a physical person, materialistic, or has a huge sexual appetite. It is always good to check for the proper zone.

Slant- The slant is also very important when it comes to handwriting since it represents how a person relates to other people. There are three slants in handwriting. Slant to the left, the right and straight up.


When a person’s handwriting is slanted to the left, it means that this person will bend over backwards to please other people.


When the writing is slanted to the right, it means that the person leans more toward people and is overall more of a people person.

Straight up

When a person’s handwriting slants straight up, this represents a person who is more of the independent type.

All three slants in a word

This represents a person who can change moods easily, and can be unpredictable when it comes to communicating with others. This is usually a dangerous sign when meeting someone new.

Pressure- This is important to be able to tell how easily or hard it is to persuade this person. The best way to test for pressure is to feel the back of the paper. If you can feel the writing through the other side of the paper, then it is probably hard to persuade that person if there mind is made up. If you don’t feel any pressure, then that person can probably be persuaded easily.

Size- There are three basic sizes when it comes to handwriting. Big, medium and small. This can tell many things about a person.


If the handwriting is big it usually means that the person is more of a people person and likes to socialize. A person with big handwriting will probably attempt a project by looking at the big picture first and then focusing on the smaller details later.


If a person writes small it is usually the opposite of big handwriting. This person is more of an introvert and keeps more to themselves. They are attempt projects by paying attention to the details first and focusing on the big picture later. A small writer is also more inclined to being in small spaces as well.


If a person has medium sized handwriting, this is the medium between the other two extremes. They can take on any of the characteristics from smaller and bigger handwriting. The size of handwriting can also change depending on how a person is feeling at that time.

The personal pronoun I- This is the most influential letter in the entire alphabet because it represents you as an individual. This letter shows how one’s relationship is like with their mother and father. In the personal pronoun I there are two loops. The loop that touches the top line is the mother loop. The loop that touches the lower line is the father loop. There are many variations to this letter and depending on where the differentiation is and what type. If there is no father loop present, then there was probably no father figure in that person’s life. If there is no mother loop there was probably no mother figure in that person’s life. If the straight line in the father loop is curved, that means that that person lets their Dad get away with too many things. If the tip of the mother loop is pointed that means that there is some aggression towards the mother. If the two loops touch that means that the mother and father are probably close. And it is always good to see which loop is bigger to see which parent had a bigger influence on the individual.

There are many reasons to take up handwriting analysis as a hobby, or even a possible career. While this only shows a brief explanation of what it is and what to look for, I highly suggest that everyone reads more literature on handwriting analysis themselves. I bet it would be a pleasant surprise.

Karla News

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