Categories: Beauty

Goth Rosary Shampoo and Bodywash Review

I found Goth Rosary and its’ products around a year ago while looking for something different in scents.

Goth Rosary is a website and company that allows you to build your own custom interfaith rosary. Their selection of beads are beautiful, but to me, the stand out products are the fragrance items. With such interesting names to their unique scents such as Samhain, Shadows, and Streets…you just know the scent will be unlike your bottle of Pantene.

Goth Rosary fragrance items are vegan friendly.

I’ve been waiting for a while to try them out, though. The prices are a bit steep if you factor in shipping. The cost per 4 oz bottle is $8.00 USD, which will (probably)stop me from buying this on a regular basis. Though, AntiSally, the owner of the company, does have sales that are really great. The sale I took advantage of was a buy two, get one free deal. This also included shipping on the free item. Though when I received the box I was surprised at how much I had to pay for shipping of around 12 ounces. The box was packed with shredded newspaper/other paper and the box was a plain brown.

At the time I had forgotten the bottles would be so small, so to be very honest, I was dissappointed when upon opening, 3 very small bottles stared back at me. For these three items, including shipping, and one of which was free…I had paid 24$. Somehow I think I should have gotten a little more for my money.

NOT a very good deal. I will (probably)waiting for another sale before I buy again.

This is not to say the product is bad. On the contrary, the product is absolutely wonderful. The shampoo/body wash has a heavenly or hellishy delightful scent. The scent lasts for a very long time. I can still smell the scent in my hair now and I used the product last around twelve hours ago.

It is a little runny, but lathers up very well. A little will go a long way when washing your hair and body. I have hair that reached the small of my back and a fifty cent sized puddle of the product will wash all of my hair with enough lather left to do half of my body. A smaller amount in a body pouf will last a whole shower, easily.

The only downside to my experience with the product itself is that my husband knocked the bottle of my favorite scent down from the shower buddy and the cap broke, spilling out more than half of the wash. $8 down the drain.

The scent is so wonderful that I find myself hoping to pick up a few more writing jobs to feed this new addiction, though I know I am paying far too much for combined shipping on items. I am hoping that perhaps the owner will decide to change shipping charges to reflect the actual weight of the products. In that case, Julie will be a religiously regular customer.

Oh…who am I kidding. The quality of the washes are going to bring me back anyway. Darn you, AntiSally. Darn you. You have made bodywash and shampoo into the new crack.


Karla News

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