Categories: Education

Ghosts of Ohio: University of Dayton

The University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio is one of the largest private Catholic universities in the country with nearly 11,000 students and over 200 acres of land. The university offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as a law school. And its famous alumni include humor columnist Erma Bombeck, former ESPN commentator Dan Patrick, and actor Don Novello. One other thing the school is famous for, according to some at least, is their ghosts.

First up, Liberty Hall.

Liberty Hall is the lesser known haunted place on the Dayton campus, but one that strikes fear into the hearts of people forced to work there after dark. Chris Woodyard, author of the Haunted Ohio series of books, was asked by a security guard to check out the building and claimed he refused to be there along after dark.

Liberty Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus, and served as an infirmary at one point. Now it’s an office building. The ghost frequently seen by people is a disfigured old man with a limp and bad teeth. He doesn’t speak, but often looks upset at people invading his space. It is thought that the ghost is of someone once treated in the building.

The other, more famous ghost at the University of Dayton, is a spirit at Theta Phi Alpha house. Oddly enough, this female residence house also has a male ghost. His back story is unknown, but many attribute his spirt to the father of a former resident.

This ghost is known to repeat certain actions repeatedly, no matter who is living in the house. Girls sometimes come home to find their furniture rearranged or in different places, light turn on and off, and personal items disappear, only to turn up days later in a different spot. One girl lost a framed picture of her parents, and discovered it three days later in the bottom of the refrigerator, while another girl found her car keys hidden behind a set of books in the living room.

Many girls also report an uneasy feeling in certain rooms; they feel as though someone is watching them, and cold spots are also present. Another common complaint is from girls waking up in the morning and feeling a lack of energy, as if they pulled an all nighter. The reports do vary though, as some report seeing a younger man who is physically violent.

Other people report seeing children playing near the Chapel of Immaculate Conception, but when they approach them, the kids disappear. Occasionally a ghostly priest is also seen walking past the Chapel.

Given the University of Dayton’s history, it isn’t surprising that ghosts are common on the campus. The college began in the 1850s as the St. Mary’s School for Boys, which slowly became St. Mary’s Institute before finally being granted licensing as a higher institution. In 150 years of operation, any place is likely to pick up a few ghost stories.

If you are interested in visiting the campus for yourself, follow the signs off I-75 to 300 College Park.

Karla News

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