Categories: Pets

Games to Play with Your Pet Bunny

Most cat and dog owners enjoy playing games with their pets. But did you know you can also play games with your pet rabbit? Pet rabbits are highly intelligent creatures that enjoy human interaction and companionship. Naturally inquisitive, your pet rabbit will love exploring new objects in his environment. Of course rabbits are not going to play the same way a dog would, but by watching and interacting with them you will be able to see how much they enjoy the new experience. Playing with your rabbit regularly will also help keep him happy and healthy. Rabbits who do not have any interaction from a human or another rabbit can get a form of depression which can lead to health problems.

Eight Fun Games To Play With Your Pet Rabbit

Tube Roll

This is an easy game to play with your rabbit that only requires the cardboard tube from a roll of toilet paper. To play simply roll the cardboard tube toward your rabbit. Your pet will bat the tube, or toss it into the air using his nose. Sometimes he will even bat it back towards you.

Find The Treat

The only thing needed for this simple game is your rabbits favorite treat and a willingness to let your rabbit nose around your body. To play show your rabbit a favorite treat then quickly hide it in a pocket , under your shirt or in a closed fist. Next let your rabbit try and sniff it out and when he finds it give it to him.

Hide and Seek

To play this game get your rabbits attention then quickly hide behind a door or piece of furniture. Peek out and then quickly duck out of sight. Your rabbit will hop over to see why you are acting so strangely. Repeat by hiding in a new location until both you and your rabbit tire of the game.

Whats That Sound ?

To play this game get on the floor near your rabbit and gently shake a small baby rattle, then place it on the ground near you. Your rabbit will probably hop over to investigate and might even toss or bat the rattle. When it makes a sound again he will probably repeat the action that caused the sound to occur.

Jump Up

This is more of a trick than a game but its still a fun activity that you and your rabbit can do together. To play sit on a chair or couch and show your rabbit a favorite treat. Hold the treat up and away from your body so that your rabbit has to jump to get it. After doing this several times over the course of a few weeks your rabbit will begin to anticipate what you are going to do and will jump up without even seeing the treat.


To play this game buy a few of those plastic balls for cats that have the bell inside.

To play throw the ball a distance away from your rabbit. Your rabbit will run up to the ball and may even pick it up and bring it back to you. If he does throw it for him again.

Tube Crawl

Prior to playing this game buy a cardboard tube large enough for your rabbit at your local pet store. You can also use a cardboard box that is open at both ends. To play place the tube or box on the floor near your rabbit and coax him to crawl through it by holding a favorite treat where he can see it at the other end.

Peek a Boo Bunny

Use a light baby blanket to play peek a boo with your pet bunny. Carefully place the blanket over your bunny, say peek a boo bunny and let your bunny find a way out.

Some bunnies will not like this came so carefully observe his reaction and remove the blanket immediately if your rabbit seems fearful or becomes panicked.


Not all rabbits are the same and won’t enjoy or even play all or some of the activities suggested. Before playing any game with your rabbit spend some time getting to know their personality and what types of things they like to do and plan your games accordingly.

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