Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Free Online Good Friday Greeting Cards

This April 10th is Good Friday and a great way to celebrate this blessed day is by wishing your friends and family well with a greeting card. There are plenty of ways you can get greeting cards, but none better than for free. The Internet is home to a plethora of greeting card sites and here are some of the best ones that offer e-cards for free.

Hi Greetings –
Hi Greetings is an on line site offering free e-cards for various occasions. Those looking for Good Friday greeting cards should check here for some free religious e-cards. This site only offers 6 cards for the occasion, with a mixture of post card style and flash style. These cards can be personalized and come with sound. Recipients must have Real Player to listen to the cards audio. Real Player can be obtained for free from its website at

Good Friday Cards –
Good Friday Cards is a site offering various religious cards. For Good Friday consumers can choose from the 24 different greetings to send to friends and loved ones. This card site is in conjunction with 123 Greetings so feel free to send cards from a name you trust. Some cards are animated while others are not. Recipients need Flash Player to view these free cards. The Flash player is another free program people can get. As with other e-cards the ones from Good Friday Cards can be personalized for each individual recipient.

Christianity E-Cards –
Christianity E-Cards is a site similar to Good Friday Cards as they are affiliated with 123 Greetings. This Good Friday reach out to your friends and family by sending them an absolutely free e-card through Christianity E-Cards. This site offers an assortment of cards with all types of messages from simple ones to spiritual ones. You can even add your own message or favorite piece of scripture before you send the card on its way.

123 Greetings –
If you are looking to send a free Good Friday e-card from a reputable website then look no further than 123 Greetings. They have cards for all occasions, so its no wonder that they would have cards for this holy day too. People logging on to 123 Greetings can see what Good Friday card has the most views and which card is rated the most popular by users. With over 20 cards to choose from you should not have a hard time picking a special card to send out this April 10th.

Blogstream Greeting Cards
This greeting card site is another free site, but unfortunately its selection is a bit sparse. Bringing only two cards to the table users don’t get much of a choice. The good thing about these two cards is that they are flash animated cards and can be sent to multiple users at the same time. If you choose to join the website and get a premium membership then you can add personalized voice messages to your card. If you just want to send a free card it can still be customized for individual recipients.

Karla News

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