Categories: Pets

Foods that Gerbils Love the Most

Gerbils are exceptionally cute and a lot of fun, and people that keep these little critters as pets know that they have individual personalities. They also have distinct likes and dislikes when it comes to food, and it takes trial and error to discover their favorites. Offer foods that gerbils seem to love the most as occasional treats, and give your furry friends something they will really enjoy.

Precautionary Statement Regarding Foods for Gerbils

Gerbils should be fed a balanced diet that is formulated especially for them. The following foods are to be fed in addition to a pellet dried veggie mixture that will meet their specific nutritional needs. Feed these foods in moderation no matter how much they love specific choices, and always remove uneaten perishables before they become spoiled and unsafe for consumption.

Gerbils Love Bananas Along with the Peel

Try giving your long-tailed little friends a bit of ripe banana when trying to figure out which foods they love the most. My daughter’s gerbils absolutely love banana, but they also love the peel. The peels are edible, and although they are not commonly consumed by people, some animals eat the entire fruit. Give the gerbils piece of banana the size of a dime along with a tiny strips of peel. Chances are this is one of the foods that they will love the most.

Use a banana keeper to protect the freshness of the fruit instead of putting it in the refrigerator where it will quickly turn black. Banana savers are designed from plastic, and they are shaped just like the top of a banana. The plastic stem and banana-shaped cap fit right over the cut end of the fruit. They are available at Bed, Bath & Beyond, and they are well-worth the price, especially when feeding small animal such as gerbils.

Some Gerbils Love Small Insects

Many people think that gerbils are vegetarians, but they are omnivorous creatures. In the wild they consume insects, seeds and foliage. In captivity they can be fed an occasional moth or other small flying or crawling insects. However, this is really unnecessary. Some love treats of small bugs now and then, but foods especially for gerbils contain plenty of protein, and they love these just as much.

Unsalted Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds for Gerbils

When looking for foods that gerbils love the most, give them a few unsalted pumpkin and sunflowers seeds once and a while. They love the soft nutty interior, and it is fun to watch them crack open the shells and manipulate them with their tiny fingers. Like all other extras, feed these sparingly. They are high in fat and should be considered a treat.

Gerbils Usually Love Unsweetened Whole-Grain Cereal

Another one of the foods that many gerbils love are whole-grain unsweetened cereal flakes. My daughter’s gerbil also loves this healthy treat. We give him flakes of bran on occasion, and he immediately takes a piece in his little clawed hands.

Give your gerbils the aforementioned foods now and then to supplement their diet in tasty new ways. Try offering bits of shredded cheese, fully cooked egg and even a little dog kibble. The only real way to find out what foods and treats your gerbils love the most is by offering them a wide variety and paying attention to what they choose to eat and what goes uneaten in their cage.

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