Categories: Television

Final 5 Cylons or the Oceanic 6: Which is the Better TV Mystery?

Which show has done a better job of sustaining a mystery, Sci-Fi’s Battlestar Galactica or ABC’s Lost? Which TV mystery has interested you more: The Final 5 Cylons or the Oceanic 6? While neither of these mysteries seems to have the same grip that Dallas‘ “Who Shot J.R.?” did, they have generated a lot of online theories and debates.

Battlestar Galactica and Lost

Both Battlestar Galactica on Sci-Fi and Lost on ABC have left fans treading through mysteries. Both shows have also had breaks in their TV schedules, making the unfolding of the mystery even slower.

Battlestar Galactica had to wait about a year for this most reason season. That is a long time to wait for any show to return, and to maintain its pacing. The good news is that Battlestar Galactica picked up where it left off: with the remaining member of the secret Final 5 Cylon mystery burned into the minds of the the fans.

ABC’s Lost has also experienced a less than regular schedule, with too many prime time hours devoted to “enhanced episodes” and specials.

Yet, both of these TV shows have managed to stump the fans and keep us theorizing in forums and fan groups.

The Final 5 Cylons

The Final 5 Cylons on Battlestar Galactica are five models of the Cylons, which have been kept a secret. The Cylons are a humanoid version of robots, in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series. On the re-imagined series, some of the Cylon models live with the humans.

There are 12 total Cylon models. The “Final 5” are, or were, unknown.

Even the other Cylon models are programmed to not think about the Final 5 Cylons. The final 5 are special, and not like the other seven cylons.

At the end of the previous Battlestar Galactica season, four of the five Final 5 Cylons were revealed: Chief Galen Tyrol, Colonel Saul Tigh, Sam Anders, and Tory Foster.

That leaves one. Who the last member of the Final 5 Cylons is has been open to debate.

Similarly, fans are still debating the Oceanic 6 on ABC’s Lost. Some believe that they have all been revealed. Recent comments by ABC’s Lost producers hint that maybe the Oceanic 6 is not yet complete.

The Oceanic 6

The Oceanic 6 are the six known survivors of Flight 815. The Oceanic 6 on ABC’s Lost were revealed through previews, spoilers, and Season Four episodes. Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and Sun are confirmed. The jury is still out on number 6. Some believe it is Baby Aaron, but I still don’t buy it. Especially since the producers made a comment last week about Sawyer not being one of the Oceanic 6. Why would they say this if number 6 were not still in play?

Final 5 Cylons vs. The Oceanic 6

While the Oceanic 6 were revealed in character-centric episodes, Battlestar Galactica took a more head-on approach. Four of the Final 5 Cylons were revealed all at the same time.

The final member of the Final 5 Cylon on Battlestar Gallactica is open to conjecture and guesses. Unlike the Oceanic 6, the last of the Final 5 Cylons could be anyone. Yet, nobody seems to fit the bill. Trying to figure out the last member of the Final 5 Cylon group is tricky.

We don’t want to believe the fearless Battlestar Gallactica leaders William Adama or President Laura Roslin could be Cylons. If William Adama is a Cylon that would make his son, Lee, a hybrid.

We know that Starbuck at this point is probably something else entirely.

Supposedly Gaius Baltar was ruled out as being a Cylon, although it would make sense if he were.

If the final Cylon turns out to be a lesser character, fans will be disappointed.

Tricky Creators

The creators and producers of both Battlestar Galactica and Lost like to trick fans and even mislead fans. This is part of the mystery and the game.

Figuring out the Oceanic 6 on ABC’s Lost has been fun, but trying to grasp who could be a member of the Final 5 Cylons on Battlestar Galactica has been downright stupefying. The remaining member of the Final 5 Cylons has been shrouded in mystery, and a delicious mystery it is.

Watching the TV Shows

Battlestar Galactica is on Sci-Fi on Friday nights at 10pm. Lost airs on ABC on Thursdays at 9pm.


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