Categories: Pets

Facts and Information about the English Bulldog

English Bulldogs are one of the ugliest breeds, but they attract a high level of interest wherever they go. Their ugly wrinkled faces, topped off with a upside down smile, seem to bring a level of optimism to all who encounter this silly appearance. Some have nicknamed this dog “Sourmug” because of this, and owners of this breed are devoted to the promotion of this wonderful family pet. They are short and stout, and are “so ugly that they are cute.” Their eyes carry a lot of expression, and they seem to say that they will always be a loyal friend. Its hard to believe that this dog used to be a fighting dog, as their personality is friendly and approachable.

While this dog has enough fat to look like a little walrus, they are quite muscular as well. The English Bulldog usually weighs between 45-60 pounds, and is around two feet in height. Their legs are built like tree stumps, and their chest build makes them “built like a tank.” If you are looking for a canine athlete, consider another dog, as the Bulldog does not like long walks or running alongside a bicycle. They will suffer greatly from this, due to their low level of stamina, and would prefer a couple of short daily walks around the block. It is especially important to make sure that they do not run excessively up stairs as a puppy, or endure overexercise, as this might compromise their already delicate joints and bones throughout their legs.

These dogs are fairly rare, due to their limited supply and high price. This breed usually has to be delivered by Cesarean Section, and they do not have a lot of babies. Expect to pay $1500-$2000 for one, which is a considerable amount more than a Lab or German Shepherd will cost you. It is important to find a reputable breeder as well, as many English Bulldogs have health concerns. These can include Hip Dysplasia, Asthma/Breathing Problems, Entropion, and Heart Defects. Many veterinarians joke that these dogs are the cornerstone of their practices, so be prepared for the possibility of lots of medical related problems.

This does not mean that these dogs are not worth it. In fact, they are wonderful family pets, who absolutely adore children. While they will not engage in a long game of fetch, or like to swim with their human brothers and sisters at the lake, they will snuggle with them and play in a game of tug with a toy. Many have been caught sleeping with their siblings, and providing a level of drool and audible snoring to boot! They will protect children as well, and females of this breed tend to be a bit more intense in this department. Males are more laid back, and while not as devoted as the female, they will offer a high level of humor and allow for some dressing up if the children desire.

English Bulldogs enjoy eating, so be sure to regulate their food supply, or they will become obese quickly. They can be bribed with treats, and its amazing how quickly they can finish off a biscuit or pig’s ear. Grooming is a breeze, as their short hair requires minimal brushing and does not cause a mess. Cleaning their ears weekly is important, to avoid dirt and buildup in there from causing infections. This dog is a best friend to all, and a great addition to any household. As long as you are aware of their health concerns and propensity for gaining weight, they are a outstanding choice to keep you entertained and for people asking to see your dog.

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