Exterminate Fleas Naturally: Eucalyptus Leaves and More Remedies

For some unknown reason, the flea population in my area has been extremely troublesome this year and has been hard to get under control. What makes it worse is it seems that they have developed an immunity to the normal sprays and flea treatments. I’ve tried just about all of them to no avail.

Fleas are, or can be, killers. They cause tape worms and in the case of small puppies and kittens, even cause death through anemia in the animals. One of my dogs only weighs about 5 pounds soaking wet, so the fleas are a big problem where he is concerned. Also, taking into consideration that I am allergic to most insecticides, I’ve set out to try and find natural ways to kill or repel fleas and other bugs that are not toxic to pets or people.

Listed below are the natural remedies for fleas that I have found.


Tansy has been used for medicinal purposes in the past, but it’s also a good replellent for fleas. Fleas don’t like the smell of tansy. Hang a bunch of tansy flowers in the room or rooms you might have a problem in. You could also hang some by doors and windows, as flies don’t like them either. Be sure to hang them high enough that your pets can’t eat them. They are toxic to animals if eaten. You can also rub the tansy leaves on your pet’s coat as a repellent. Tansy can be grown in almost every area, but it’s advisable to grow them in pots to keep them from taking over your other landscaping. Be sure to cut off the dying flowers so they don’t go to seed.

Eucalyptus Leaves:

If you don’t live in an area where Eucalyptus grows, you can purchase the leaves at just about any craft store. The smell of the Eucalyptus repels fleas and quite possibly some other bugs. If you can’t find the leaves, you might also try Eucalyptus Oil. Put some oil in a small cup or bowl and set it out of reach of your pets.

Set a Flea Trap:

You read that right. A Flea Trap. Take a plate that can hold a small amount of water. Add one drop of liquid dishwashing liquid. I used Dawn. More about that later. Place the plate on the floor near your dogs bed and place a small lamp next to it. Turn on the light and let it just sit there overnight. Just putting a plate of water will not work. You have to have the soap in it. The fleas are drawn to the light at night, land in the plate and they will be there in the morning. Might be a good idea to move your pet to another area for a few nights to keep them from drinking the water or knocking over the lamp. Continue setting your “trap” for a few nights, or until you get no more fleas.

Dawn and your dog:

Dawn dishwashing liquid “KILLS” fleas. It is far superior than any other flea shampoo on the market today, including Adams. Soak your dog down good and scrub him down with Dawn. Making a good lather. Let it sit for several minutes, or as long as your dog will stay put. Rinse thoroughly.


Borax is non-toxic so you can use this to sprinkle all over your carpets, in closets and the crevices of your furniture. Let the Borax sit for several days, giving it time to work deep in the fibers. Then vacuum. Borax can also be sprinkled in the yard, but there are less expensive alternatives for your yard.

DE (Diatomaceous Earth):

Diatomaceous Earth is a very cost effective way to take care of fleas in your yard. It can be purchased anywhere that sells pool supplies for just a few dollars. Sprinkle DE all over your yard, front and back and especially pet lounging areas.

Boraxo and DE:

Boraxo (20 Mule Team) mixed 50/50 with DE makes another good sprinkle for the inside of your home. Be sure to keep skin covered and protect your mouth, nose and eyes from the dust. Let sit a few days and vacuum. NOTE: Boraxo will damage any plant that it comes in contact with.

Cedar Chips:

Everyone knows about how good cedar smells in closets and other places. But it is also an excellent flea repellent. Fleas hate it. Make a dog bed mattress and stuff it with cedar chips, or place the chips in dog lounging areas outside and along fence lines.

Repellent for People and Pets:

Thinly slice whole lemons, including the peel, and place in a pan with 2 cups water. Bring to a boil and then let sit over night. Sponge the liquid on your children, yourself and your pets before going outside. Smells good and repels insects. Lasts about half a day.


After you vacuum, empty your vacuum bag into a sealed plastic bag before putting in the trash. This prevents any live fleas from getting back out and re-infesting your home.

Karla News

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