Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Exforge: FDA Approved Drug Treating Hypertension, High Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular complications remain a leading health concern of many active adults. With the plethora of prescription medications on the market, healthcare professionals commonly try many forms of treatment in managing high blood pressure before finding the right combination. As a patient who suffers from high blood pressure, it is important to understand what medications are available and why your doctor has chosen a specific medication for your high blood pressure treatment plan.

For some high blood pressure patients, the use of a prescription drug known as Exforge, distributed by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, has become more common in the approach to controlling high blood pressure with an FDA approved medication. Exforge has shown to be effective at controlling high blood pressure through its combination approach of amlodipine and valsartan, applying vasoconstriction therapy and calcium channel blocker.

Dosing of Exforge tablets, in the treatment of high blood pressure, is recommended as a combination of both 2.5 to 10 milligrams of amlodipine in combination with 80 to 320 milligrams of valsartan, once per day. When titrated for optimal therapeutic benefit, most patients do not require much adjustment to maintain that optimal treatment for 24 hours.

As with most FDA approved drugs, the use of Exforge, in the treatment of hypertension, does not come without side effects. As a general rule, most side effects will dissipate as treatment reduces the complications associated with hypertension, or high blood pressure, and the abnormal fluctuations of the cardiovascular system. When using Exforge, side effects most commonly experienced by patients include nausea, vomiting and some feelings of lightheadedness with edema. If symptoms seem excessive while using Exforge, including headache pain or syncope, extreme lethargy or impaired cognitive function, it may be necessary to seek out the medical attention of a healthcare professional.

Contraindications, in the use of Exforge to treat high blood pressure are limited. As a general rule, children under the age of 18 should not use Exforge and women who are pregnant should be cautioned in its use. For some women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant, it is not clear what effect Exforge may have on a developing fetus so use of the drug should be limited, especially in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Discuss these issues with the prescribing physician.

As with any hypertension or high blood pressure complication, the key to the management of your cardiovascular system will lie in the early intervention, diagnosis and treatment. For individuals who suffer from complications associated with hypertension, the use Exforge has shown to be effective at regulating vasoconstriction and calcium channel blockers when used in combination with diet and exercise. When considering treatment options, the use of Exforge tablets may provide relief and improve your overall quality of life and, ultimately, reduce the need for use of other cardiovascular treatment options.

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