Categories: Food & Wine

English Cucumbers Are Tasty and Don’t Cause Gas

With a brand new supermarket now situated 1.5 blocks from my apartment I have been purchasing and eating a broad spectrum of fruits and vegetables from the store’s excellent fresh produce section.

About a week and a half ago I purchased a two-pack of English cucumbers because they were on sale for a low price. It was the first time I bought English cucumbers. One of the cucumbers is already eaten and half of the other one is wrapped in my refrigerator.

If you’ve never seen an English cucumber they are longer and thinner than regular-style cucumbers. English cucumbers are often called seedless cucumbers but in actuality most of them do indeed contain small seeds. Quite frequently, these cucumbers are sold in pairs wrapped in plastic. That’s how the cucumbers I purchased were packaged, in tight plastic wrap.

The flavor offered by English cucumbers is mellower than that of regular-style cucumbers with just a faint touch of natural sweetness. Because of their mellow flavor I have found myself eating thin slices of these veggies with crackers, something I had never done with regular-style cukes.

All of the cool refreshment offered by regular cucumbers is present in English cucumbers. With the cucumbers that I recently bought there were very few seeds present and the ones that were there were hardly noticeable. The inside flesh was more of a beigeish color than that of regular-style cucumbers and was pleasingly moist. The overall texture and flavor of the English variety seems ‘fuller’ to me and they remind me of squash.

English cucumbers are often called ‘burpless cucumbers’ because the seeds in regular-style cucumbers are thought to cause gas in some people. The lack of seeds in the English varieties is believed to make them less gas-producing. Since I have never noticed any gas issues with regular-style cucumbers I didn’t notice any difference with the English variety.

One noticeable difference between regular-style cucumbers and their English-style counterparts is in the outer skin. The skin is similar in appearance to regular-style cucumbers but it is thinner and is actually edible. When my purchases were being rung-up at the supermarket the cashier mentioned that the skin is edible and easily digestible after I said I had never bought English cucumbers before. Although I did remove the skin from the cucumbers before adding them to salads I did eat some of the rinsed-off skin and I enjoyed its flavor and texture.

The sale price that I recently paid for a two-pack of English cucumbers was approximately $1.79. The regular price is approximately $2.50.

These cucumbers are great in salads and on sandwiches and I would recommend them. Every time I’ve seen English cucumbers they were packaged in pairs. If they were sold singly I think it would be more convenient for many people to purchase these tasty veggies.

Sources : Personal experience with English cucumbers

Karla News

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